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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Alternative to Solution to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposal10 months ago

i see it as bronko. it would only work, if we go to the old system in wild with locked leagues and reward penalties for low level cards.
back then when we had the old system we saw tens of thousends bots in bronce to silver leagues with well equipped decks that were giving new players a hard time by "guarding" the way to the higher leagues.
i would rather prefer the cp requirements then to go to the old system.

if this proposal passes we wont have the issues we had with the old system, but it will limit the ability for botfarms to drain sps by a lot. hopefully it will also kick the big botfarms with 1 bcx or soulbound only decks out of business because the higher renting costs will drive them into deficit.