The main question for me is why DAO needs its share of the market fee?
DAO is already founded by SPS, a market listing fee. Why DAO needs 2% or 1% and not 0.1% for example?
There are other ways that we can tend to DEC peg prices than increasing fees for users and cutting 3rd party market revenue.
You are right that those changes affect all markets, but not all markets are in the same spot. Peakmonster for example gets funds from DHF, you are also a part of a much more ecosystem so you have more possibilities to outstand some hard times. Some markets are listed on Splinterlands, and some others are not. My market is made entirely by me in my free time, so I have a really low upkeep cost - but for now, I still donate my private money to this project 😆
I am not against changes. Actually, I found that pretty odd that only "the buy market" gets fee when I dived into Splinterlands' under-the-hood world. But I think such changes should be introduced gradually.
I just do not like the idea of cutting off the market's revenue by 30% increasing the market fee for users at the same time.