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RE: Community Poll - Reinstate the Card Level Limits by League

in #spsproposal6 months ago

Your view is valid in my opinion but for me I would be considering voting NO for this proposal after now getting used to the current system. With the league system players that play by the rules and do nothing wrong get labeled as a min/maxing smurf by some of those who have over spent and lost most of their skin in it.
With the current system I can rent just a few cheap max level cards that give me an easy competitive advantage and see my rank rise way higher than I used to be able. Never before have I been able to mindlessly exploit the system as much but the biggest advantage is that nobody even thinks that it is an exploit.
Because I move higher up the ranks faster I need more SPS and I just rent that inflationary junk real cheap also. Whatever SPS is earned I just dump on the market just like a scholar. While the inflation rate is around 30% its best to get rid of it as fast as you can but its ok next year it may only be 20% and when it gets to 5% maybe I will not want to dump it so fast.
So you see axrho I didn't mind the old system but that doesn't mean I can't adapt to the new one.