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RE: Community Poll - Lower Unlock Costs for Soulbound Reward Cards

in #spsproposal7 months ago

The price is way too high for reward cards. It's cheaper to buy new cards off the market and there should be no time limit on unlocking. If i want to pay the fee in two years I should still be able to.

Web3 is meant to mean ownership of assets. A fair price IMO would be about 10% of suggested. More people would actually unlock burning more DEC and people won't get pissed off from being screwed yet again and leave. Myself included. If this passes as proposed I will be very pissed off with the the team and the game for constantly shooting themselves in the foot and driving away the few remaining players.

The game can be resurrected but not like this and not by screwing the players still here who have been committed for years.