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RE: Splinterlands will try to implement anti-bot measures in Modern format.

in #spsproposal2 years ago (edited)

Wanted to share my opinion. I'm voting no for 2 main reasons.

1: Concern about queuing for matches. Have you ever tried gods unchained, skyweaver, or many other web3 games and sit there for 10 minutes without a match. Worse in lower leagues, its the reason I gave up on gods unchained. This could happen here too, but worse. For what is an autobattler, any waiting time could kill the gameplay. May not happen though. Lets see.

Will we have to teach all these complicated ideas to new players, that Wild is now a bot league dominated by 1% of the accounts?

Wouldn't everyone rushing into modern also lessen the rewards? I guess that's yet to be seen.

Wouldn't that make Older cards worthless? Since they cannot be used in any leagues now unless you want to go up against armies of well equipped bots? So primarily only for brawls and some tournaments.

2: This affects some players more than others. Large legacy accounts have a lot of cards, will switch to wild and make it completely unplayable for other bot users or newer bot users, or anyone playing in that league. That's why this will probably pass, because it wont affect them at all. Is that a win? Removing some bots while empowering others? Isn't that just re-allocating winnings to a certain % of people?

Is it really for the new player experience everyone keeps mentioning over and over again? cause I see it differently. Are bronze and silver bots that good, or are the players moving out of wild, with lots of cards, a bigger challenge? I find bot farms quite easy to beat once you understand what they play. With this proposal, people will delegate to alt accounts, run bots in wild and take their best Chaos+ decks to modern for better rewards.

I see the need for something, but this is just vague and I don't see this as a solution. Could also affect the rental market unless new players coming in, renting massive decks outnumber the bots we currently have renting on a monthly basis. No point to try to rent to compete with the 1% in wild, there's too many cards, and they are expensive.

I am totally against botting in Brawls and tournaments, but I am not sure this is the solution for bot issues. Bots will find a workaround, and it will be a long battle, and time consuming. Maybe we can find some common ground with them.

Still 50-50 on botting in ranked play. I played 2 years no bots, I bot now when I am on holiday, extremely busy with work, but the rewards aren't much. I just want to make sure I collect cards and stay competitive in tournaments and brawls, and make use of my investments in cards that I made over the past 2 years.

Just needs more time and ideas to get this right.


Rewards in modern would increase massively. Both leagues are already flooded by bots extracting the pools. The top 1% rule both leagues already aswell.