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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust Listing Fees

in #spsproposal4 months ago

If the economy was strong and SPS price was stronger, maybe. The market strength is NOT THERE to justify such an increase on an already struggling market. I'll put it simply when a business/market is struggling you don't go increasing sales tax to improve margins. Any increase is not a good move. We are in this mess because we keep adding increases to paywalls and moving the goal posts. It's not a good look. How many times do we have to play this dance for people to actually get that proposals like this work against encouraging players no matter how nominal you think the increase or impact is....


Definitely think more players and stronger market volume solve pretty much all of our problems. Doesn't look like this is going to pass anyway, but it was mainly just presented as an alternative to the 10% market fee suggestions which seemed kind of nutty to me.

d of nutty to me.

Love ya work. Was not directing my comment at you but the broader community. We have to stop with these extra hoop/extra cost proposals, they are killing us one player at a time. If these kinds of proposals keep coming up it means there are people still not reading the room. :)

I get it and I try to do my best, but yea I think I dropped the ball on this one honestly. Looking into reworking the guidelines to prevent a situation like this again. Current guidelines are way to lax and they lead to me wasting a lot of time fielding gripes that probably shouldn't even be directed at the DAO and then spending a lot of time cleaning up the messes the proposals tend to make. It's just not worth the headache for me or the community.

Talking to the team about getting polling integrated into the in-game governance system in a non-intrusive way so that people can opt in to get alerts about them. Hopefully we can make that happen.
