After my initial reaction of 'Noo I'm going to lose my rewards cause I wont be able to mine SPS', I gave this some thought and realised this will dilute the available card market and this should be better for lower ranked players battling as theoretically there will be way less players using max decks as they will need their best PP cards for mining SPS and production PP for things like grain to fund their mining campaign. So yes while the whales will benefit largely from taking over the pool, they will likely have to sacrifice the strength of their decks along with any player who wants to mine SPS on land and is capable to. Even whales have a limit when it comes to max level cards and many will need 100s or even 1000s on land to produce max output and it needs to be just lucrative enough for them to make that call. I might be wrong but if my head is working right this in theory should then benefit the little guys throughout the leagues with more competitive matches and possibly (or probably) larger win rewards per battle and neutralise the impact of 'lost' rewards that was never going to last once land hit farming/mining point. So after an initial no, for once I'm am actually going with a yes on a vote.
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I think this is pretty much how I feel