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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Alternate Solution to Address Bot Farms & Wild/Modern Format Discrepancies

in #spsproposal8 months ago (edited)

Hello @yabapmatt.sps It's a pleasure to greet you, and I hope that you really get to obtain a consensual solution that satisfies all those who have believed in this great project, and that regardless of whether they are nano or large investors, they feel that they have been valued.

I am against this proposal for multiple reasons, but the most important of all, and it is the only one I want to mention to you at this time, is that this new patch, as well as almost all previous proposals, are an attack on the Splinterlands ecosystem:

The goal is clearly to reduce the number of accounts (players) by imposing more and more obstacles, this time in the form of a fee.

However, you must take into account that in your CEO version of Splinterlands, this type of proposal is extremely harmful and counterproductive, because the objective in any case must be the opposite, and dramatically increase the number of active accounts in Splinterlands. Any type of reduction, no matter how small, is detrimental to the project.

I think you need a fresh perspective and a different way of attacking the problems that have arisen. But, the most important thing I think needs to be ensured is that the people who have invested in Splinterlands, whether it be money, time or emotional attachments, are more than rewarded for that investment. In my opinion, the bots are not the problem, but rather the way Splinterlands' economy is structured. Splinterlands is in need of simple changes that dramatically affect the game's economy.

Perhaps, this post that I published several weeks ago can give you a different perspective on how to deal with all the current problems in Splinterlands.