Hi @davemccoy I'm not following your logic on point #7 where you say.
"Seven (7) Finally, I think it would rip apart the long term player base that has held this community together for so long through 2 brutal bear markets. I am positive I would sell out if this type of artificial pump occurred, and I'm sure there would be many others that would as well. They might not admit it, but I believe you would have a ton of exits created by this. IMO, this would be a far different community after such an event if it doesn't happen naturally and when the time is proper.
Again I note that I don't mind people selling, I do mind spending our precious DAO funds to get them a better price if they want to leave."
I mean you just said that you were going to sell and therefore would be included in that group exiting because it's at a higher price point but then you go on to say you don't want to provide an opportunity for people to leave at a higher price point although you just said that's the very reason you would leave. I mean otherwise you would remain. Am I misunderstanding your logic here?
first things have changed since there has been changes made to the proposal.
But I think where you are missing things is I don't think the DAO should be spending money to give anyone (include me) and exit opportunity. I would've sold if we created an artificial situation where we couldn't have recovered (meaning flawed proposal).
But now with the changes made, and also discussing with others options to addressing another one of my concerns, then I'm comfortable enough to vote for this as its clear a lot of people want to see a listing on Binance.
I appreciate your response and just re-read the amendments. Also listened to your entire conversation with Aftersound. One step forward I would say!
I agree. And thank you for the responses too Shaddrak!