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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust All Rentals to Minimum Pricing

in #spsproposallast year

Guess you didn't see the passed proposal for the DAO to pay for the burning of DEC for proposals?! Maybe make sure you're up to speed before exploding your inner toxicity on others w/o being constructive for the community. Would love for you to burn DEC to make a proposal but would never vote yes for an emotional outburst proposal targeting @clayboyn as if he's not making proposals on behalf of the community. Throw up in my mouth a little reading the audacity/lack of respect from some humans approaching others in such a manner.


I am not toxic on other, but only CLAYBOYN in special. Because I am partly his Boss, because he is a SPS DAO employee.

About what community are you talking?

I am curious how much SPS you own. I own more than 1'000'000 SPS. Maybe you can post your SPS amount. Then we can make peace.

Just because you may own more SPS than others doesn't give you the right to be a toxic piece of shit to people. We're all technically "his boss" but you don't see everyone else speaking horribly to another human being just for that reason alone; speak to others the way you'd like to be treated! Talking about the community that discusses proposals before they're officially created; go be involved rather than complaining once created. Also go do your own research and pay attention to previous proposals before you assume they won't be paid for or start spreading mis-information with your lack-there-of. It was clearly stated in this passed proposal how payment works now for proposals

308K SPS btw, not sure why that matters as my stake has nothing to do with your toxic immature behavior... other than your simplistic ego that's gonna land on "I have more, I win"? Which only solidifies your shallow mind in its current state.

If you pay the 100000 DEC you can make a proposal to fire him. Give the guy a chance though! He's only just started the job and is doing what is expected of him pretty well so far.