SPS Governance Proposal - End SPS Airdrop Claims & Send Unclaimed SPS to DAO


We are proposing to close the window for players to claim their SPS airdrop on July 26th, 2023, at 12:00 PM ET / 16:00 UTC - one year after the airdrop ended - and that all unclaimed SPS from the airdrop be sent to the DAO at that time. According to our records, there is currently about 33M unclaimed SPS which, if still unclaimed by July 26th, would go to the DAO treasury if this proposal is approved.

This will give players roughly another two months to claim any remaining unclaimed SPS from the airdrop, which we feel is more than enough time given it will have a been a year in total since the airdrop ended. A link will be added to the SPS management page on the Splinterlands website that will allow players to check if they have any airdrops unclaimed from any of the various platforms and to claim them until the deadline.


Burn them, Otherwise no

The unclaimed SPS airdrop simply should be transferred to the users without the need of claiming. Some (or many) players can return to the game years later.

If a game is good, then the players can return to it years, decades later. For them, transferring their unclaimed SPS airdrop to DAO, or burning their unclaimed SPS airdrop is the same. They will lose it.

Probably many people have not even saw (or do not understand) this proposal, and the voting for this proposal ends in one day, and currently it looks like that it will be approved.

Agree, if they don't ever come back, that SPS will never be in circulation anyway.

Imagine you coming back to the game after 2 years to check your investment and all your airdropped SPS is gone. This is essentially "stealing" assets from inactive players, which IMO is a really bad and shady practice.

This is exactly how I feel. I made investments in crypto during the bull run that are being airdropped, (not splinterlands), and I would be devastated to check how they are going and find they had all been stolen. I can't believe this proposal has 84% of people voting yes! Are they that worried about the price of SPS that they feel the need to steal someones airdrop just to diminish the supply of circulating SPS?

They are, quite a few of recent proposals have literally only that in mind, token price and attempts to pump them.

1 - A huge amount to pursue exchange listing. This, in my opinion, was the most ludicrous one. I just hope at least it is binance and not something even worse. But even then, what will that achieve? A short term pump and then being forgotten forever? Without a bull market an exchange listing means literally nothing long term. It is even bad because to do now because on the next bull market you don't have that opportunity again, you never will. You won't attract a ton of players in a bear market, most people that are still investing in crypto and interested in P2E already know of splinterlands anyway.

2 - Increase on market sale taxes. Two times, and now obviously on the second attempt it'll pass. This will hurt the market forever just to burn tokens and try to reach "flywheel" sooner. 1% overall increase is a 20% increase of tax and I don't even know if most people realize that. Even if I'm very against this one since tax increase is just bad in all aspects, it still is a way better and more acceptable proposal than the other two since using part of the tax for overall economy benefits is good.

3 - Now this one, just drop the assets to the accounts, it's almost the same as if they are gone if those users don't come back and it is the only morally acceptable decision. It is a very shady and unfair practice to just take them away. There are many crypto investors that just invest in a project and barely go back to check it, they are waiting in the sidelines for it to be popular or just forgot about it but will eventually remember when they see "splinterlands" popping up somewhere.

But then again, welcome to decentralized voting, people have no consideration for others and just care for their own bags even if that will inevitably have long term repercussions for them. Not to mention the obvious, you either have a huge bag of staked SPS or your vote means little to nothing, so all proposals are mostly decided by the top x holders.

Yes, I also feel pretty much the same way. If they have to do something with those sps, just burn them.

Imagine you coming back to the game after 2 years to check your investment and all your airdropped SPS is gone. This is essentially "stealing" assets from inactive players, which IMO is a really bad and shady practice.

No, it's not "yours", there is no reason to keep the airdrop forever.

Just claim them to the respective accounts, no need to take them away.

There is a huge difference between two years and forever. If a game is good, then the players can return to it years, decades later. For example a few months ago I still played MS-DOS games released in the 1980s/1990s. I grew up with them in the 1990s, and in the early 2000s. Then I have not played most of them for years. Probably I will play them in the future too. One of my favorite video games is the Heroes of Might and Magic II (1996).

I failed to vote a couple times on WAX and completely lost my (I can't remember what they call it) origin/founder/source (whatever they call it) staking rewards. I had no idea that would happen.

Let's burn it. DAO doesn't really trust. Because of the large number of SPS in most sharks. The majority of users are juveniles. There is no justice in this world.

By burning it, the SPS will disappear, so the players will not have more by that move either. Instead of burning it, I think that every SPS should be automatically transferred to the accounts without the need of the claiming. There is a chance that some players will return to the game years later. Probably they would be happy to see the airdrop in their accounts. It is not like many years, nor decades passed since the end of the airdrop. Only one year. But if a game is good, then players can return to play it even after decades.

Actually, it is made to work in this way. You got money, you got power here

Just so I am clear on this, the point of this proposal is to take sps that accounts have earned away from them, and then give it to the DAO? Why not just auto claim it for them and put it in the accounts that earned them?

I like the way you think!

One big reason is that a fair number of these claims are not associated with Splinterlands or even Hive accounts. It's been almost a year since the air drop ended, but as a refresher it was for assets held across multiple platforms. People had DEC on Steem, had bought cards on WAX, etc. You had to link your external wallet to a Splinterlands account and sign a transaction on that network to claim your air drop. I don't think it's reasonable to put it on Splinterlands to try to track down people who haven't claimed rewards in almost two years, and it doesn't make sense to keep maintaining these records in perpetuity.

Then just burn it, its not the DAO's or SPL's to take...

So you know what accounts they are linked to? And you are able to transfer it to the DAO account, so why not transfer to those linked accounts? What is a "fair number" in each?

You don't have to track them down, just transfer to the linked accounts. I generally support the direction the team is going, I just can't wrap my head around why this proposal would be a good idea.

Can the ones you can track down have their SPS sent to their accounts? These would be the accounts that are not part of your "fair number" comment.

We could, but the question is if we should. The system was designed for accounts to claim their air drops, not for us to deliver it directly to accounts - so, there would be some work involved. The Hive assets are at least a 1-1 match, but for other wallet types it is far murkier. There are both wallets linked to no accounts and ones linked to multiple accounts, as well as the time for us to build out queries to determine what air drops might go to which accounts.

There's also the question of what is the benefit of sending SPS to what are likely dead accounts? We are already planning on making the air drop page accessible again in case anyone missed out on claiming. But, either way the main point of the proposal is to put an end date on the ability to claim these outstanding air drops. I think returning them to the DAO for future use, or simply burning them, at the end date would make more sense than spending the time sending them out to people who couldn't be bothered to claim them in the past two years.

I would like to see more nuance in the proposal.

If the player account has had zero activity for that period of a year, then sure, that claim should probably be forfeited but only if that account also has ZERO SPS staked or liquid on their in game account.

This would mean that they have never interacted with the SPS governance system and are likely not to be interested, therefore, sure.

If they have made a claim in the past, I would be not keen to disallow this accounts from making future claims.

Edits in italics.

As one of the main proponents of this proposal, the main objective is to not have to maintain millions of data records in perpetuity - as most of these claims are likely from dead accounts, Splinterlands assets held outside the game by people that never played, etc. Most people that were active participants in Splinterlands have likely already claimed their air drops, at least before the Tech Modernization of the SPS page removed the buttons. Hopefully this proposal, and adding a link back in, will give anyone that is still actively around a chance to claim any that they missed. I think it was an oversight to not have an expiration date on the initial air drop claims in as part of the initial white paper and to me it makes sense to just have a cutoff date where the SPS air drop data and code can be retired.

Thanks for the reply and casting some further light beyond the "we want to turn it off".

I too agree that it would have been a good piece of documentation to have in the initial claim / plan.

This is theft. Who cares if that SPS is lying in those wallets unclaimed, and nothing happens to it? Why would we want to increase the supply by another 33mil? (instead of letting in sit in those wlalets) - DAO should get it's income from legit sources, not stealing from players.

Those players/wallets earned that SPS because they met the requirements in order to receive it and right now you want to "steal" what they have earned fair&square?

SPL is talking a lot about decentralization, but this right here is a centralized action. (communism?)

@team, you should get your stuff together and release a statement of what SPL actuatlly is, because based on these actions, decentralization isn't where it's heading. There is a very thin line between voting for SPL (gameplay/tokenomics/governance etc.) stuff, but voting to take away SPS from players (even if it's unclaimed) is a very terrible approach.

lying in those wallets unclaimed

Do you what claiming means? It's not in their wallets.

I don't particularly like the idea of taking away something from an account that has 'earned' it. That said, It does make sense given that the burden of tracking this is on SPL at this point for these accounts.

I would be more in favor of just having all outstanding SPS auto-claimed and then that SPS can just stay in those likely dead accounts.

I disagree. Most airdrops have a claim duration. If people can't be bothered to claim their free tokens in almost 2 years (even though these tokens have utility or can be sold) it makes little sense to do it for them.

no brainer, YES

this is basically theft...
just send the SPS to the wallets.
Or if you going to take it, burn it. There should be no financial benefits yielded from taking these funds from those wallets.
I am sure that there are cases were it will not be possible for claims to be made, it could be due to death or lost keys, who knows. In those cases, just consider the tokens burned.

If this passes, there should be a follow up proposal covering what to do with the SPS. Then we could at least vote on burning it or not. I do think burning it is the fairest way to deal with it since it is being taken from seemingly dead accounts anyways.

I disagree that it's theft. The problem is how do you really figure out why an account didn't claim it? There's no way to know if someone died or lost their keys so putting a time limit on accepting the air drop SPS is fair and not theft at all.

How is this theft if they got the tokens for free? These accounts also had plenty of time to claim those tokens. People keep complaining about bots and stuff but now they want to give inactive accounts benefits. Make up your mind already lol (idc if it's burnt or claimed by DAO)

I would burn them all!

Do you happen to know if these apparently dead accounts also have land?

has nothing to do with the proposal. I was just so interested ^^

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( lordshah, pero82, guurry123 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

I don't see it appearing in Splinterlands Proposal page?

i think its in the pre-proposal stage where, they check if it is reasonable enough to be put in an official voting stage.

It is showing up on Splex.gg already. Maybe you're right.

Seems unfair

Actually, its not, since it had been given ample of time to claim it. And it is also possible that those who have unclaimed airdrop sps,do not or would not play splinterlands anymore, thus making it technically useless. By passing this proposal, those sps might be put to good use, like increasing the rewards for ranked games or other reward options.

If the accounts are forever inactive then its essentially burned. But should they come back it could renew there interest in the game. I don't know why this is even a proposal. It spits in the face of decentralization. Is this really even necessary?

The main point of this proposal is to not have to maintain the data and code for this air drop in perpetuity. Splinterlands has been paying the costs for operating this air drop, and it shouldn't really be expected that this should go on in perpetuity as the SPS DAO has been spun up as a separate entity. In my opinion, not having an official end date for claiming the air drop was an oversight in the original white paper. I think it's a fair argument that the unclaimed SPS could be considered burned, but I felt it was better it be returned to the DAO who could then do with it what the community wished... be it burned, used for other projects, etc.

Good to know, thanks for sharing! Love

Would prefer if it was burned instead of going to the DAO!

I think it's a fair argument that the unclaimed SPS could be considered burned, but I feel it is better it simply be returned to the DAO - who can then do with it what the community wants... be it burned, used for other projects, etc.

This proposal will get a big pass as the major SPS stakeholder will benefit from the transfer of SPS to DAO. I think a more ethical method is to auto distribute the unclaimed SPS all eligible accounts. If those accounts are inactive, the SPS is considered burned as the SPS will not circulate to the market.

I feel like this is another form of thievery by large SPS stakeholders.

Why not distribute it amongst the current players in proportion to their staked SPS? This seems like it would do more good for community moral and incentivize people to stake their SPS over the next two months than just to arbitrarily decide it should go to the DAO.

At the very least, it should be burned. That would also help community moral (as their SPS is worth a bit more in that scenario).

To reference Yabapmatt's reply below. If the SPS is returned to the DAO, it can certainly do whatever the community wants with the funds after that. If you want these funds, or any DAO funds, put to a use then a proposal can be made to do just that - be it distribute them to current holders, used to fund some other project, or be burnt.

I think it's a fair argument that the unclaimed SPS could be considered burned, but I feel it is better that it simply be returned to the DAO and then a separate determination can be made of what the community wants done with it.

I am a bit concerned about the future of this. Early on I had my doubts about DAOs as a lot of times they end up quite similarly replicating failed macro economies.
Now the 2 proposals are about increasing fees and stealing from others. Also sending the stolen assets to DAO will just create inflation, so it's not going to benefit us either.

Lets assume this proposal passes and people are given a chance to claim any missed air drop from the links provided by Splinterlands. Lets assume the remaining unclaimed SPS goes to the Dao. Whats our next step??
I think at that point we can vote on a proposal to do one of two things.

  1. Burn the SPS
  2. Distribute the SPS based on staked SPS

I do feel that the DAO should not keep the SPS.


I agree with all those saying to burn the SPS. At some point I would agree that unclaimed anything needs to go away, a year seems like plenty of time, but transferring those assets to the DAO is wrong.

Wow the balls on some of these people in this game to just take other people's money. If anybody votes yes to this you should be ashamed of yourselves and seriously reconsider your life choices.

for me is a Big No No
we cant take back the sps that people earned, it doesnt matter if they never claim, it belong to them not to us, is not our call to take assets from another person`s or account

Which wallet are the unclaimed SPS held in currently? If it is a dedicated wallet, maybe we leave the unclaimed assets in there, but pass the keys and ownership to the DAO going forward (and it can be included in the DAO Treasury reports)
I understand the point of an end date is so the claiming code can be removed and cleaner code going forward. My preference would be a longer notice period rather than just a couple months. I'd think that if they can take a snapshot and post the list of eligible claims on chain, and maybe send a 0.001 hive memo with the details to the inactive wallets or the HIVE wallets where any offchain assets were sent from, that might be the cleanest record showing we tried.
Then if we have a longer "Notice Period", maybe we get some coverage over a few months about the "Airdrop ending - claim your assets now!" sort of thing.
Afterwards, if needed, the DAO could manage any residual claims manually if people could still submit a ticket if they felt they were owed SPS from the airdrop.


If the SPS is burned it would feel less dodgy. The DAO is now looting unclaimed SPS.

Yes this is stealing. Not everyone has time to sit around playing games all day. Some people like myself just love collectingthe cards and the art and the coins. I bought LAND and stuff but I suck at the game and just do not have the time to put into it all the time but I enjoy being able to come on once in a while to play and collect my coins and you know what I do with this coins. I PUT THEM RIGHT BACK INTO THE POOLS OR STAKING. I am in this for a long long time and when I bought my land I was promised 12,000 plus SPS tokens. While that isnt that much to some it is a lot to me and I paid with a promise of that amount. I find A LOT of these games backtrack a lot and find a way to take away from those who cant stick around 24/7. I wish a company like Disney would just buy those game and make sure it is run fair and use grandfather clauses meaning if you change the rules then you have to grandfather in those who were here before the rule change or at least give them a clear view of their options. Dogechain did this shit too. I was in hospital for 10 days and missed my third of 6 month claims and I was ok with losing the 1 but nope. I missed one so I forfeit them all. SCAM CITY is all I have to say.But what do I know. This isnt my game. All I know is the more web3 creators want to do shady stuff likes stealing the rewards from users the more I feel like web3 is no different than corporate America or wherever. I cannot WAIT to see all those griftubers griftagrams grifters get arrested and put in one of those 6 billion dollar prisons. I mean they are literally allowing people to steal from stores. Id bet my left N that they are testing out tracking items outside of the store like they did in South Africa. Ok enough of my long winded rant. Just remember. Not everyone investing in your game does it for the gaming. Some of us just look at it like collecting things. Like isntead of collecting figures IRL Im collecting figures in your game. Land. Coins Ive bought and staked and all that. I just suck bad at the game and my computer is kinda laggy bc my CPU was from 2012 so yeah OLD. It runs but I sometimes wait 2 min or so for things to load up. Sad in a modern city that had fiber before a lot of other states did. Please do not make players who are not able to play daily suffer. At least give people a couple months or so to realize they need to claim them or something. ANywho I didnt get anywhere NEAR my 12k I was promised when I bought the land. Im disappointed but not surprised. I kinda slowed down collecting when things got shady but I still do once in a while

Now that Im looking again I believe I only received a little over 1000 from that 12,252 or whatever it was.

If I had it wrong on what I was supposed to get then I guess that is on me for not fully understanding it. I just always loved collecting card games that Ill never get to play bc I just loved the art on them which is the case with your game. And if you dont want just collectors who may one day be a more active player then I understand. I do think Standing Stone Games paid a hacker to steal account information. I hope if another country attacks us its in the same area as the standing stone HQ in MA. Those people do not deserve LOTRO and DnD

Let burn this. DAO is not trust

do not forget about some kind of "campaign" to let everyone - unable to fulfill their obligation - know about "their" free stuff getting invalidated by the decision of the DAO :)

Auto-claim and send it to said accounts that have it unclaimed. Anything else is theft or at the very least an overstep of authority without attempting to properly inform those who are missing their airdrops, plain and simple.

Thank you for participating in SPS DAO Governance @splinterlands!
You can place or monitor SPS Stake Weighted votes for and against this proposal at the link below:
Link to this Pre-Proposal

This Pre-Proposal is over!
701 Users voted with 11% of the staked SPS supply at that time!

Updated At: 2023-05-24 12:29 UTC


Why not distribute it to players to cover the absurd SPS requirements you are going to implement?

I am not sure why people are getting upset, this SPS requirment is in the original whitepaper

Heck the sps requirment is reduced since the original white paper. https://sps.splinterlands.com/rewards/ranked-battles

Quote, Caps for emphasis: "Once again, THE ABOVE NUMBERS ARE SIMPLY AN ILLUSTRATION, but you can see that higher rated players are able to generate a higher return per staked SPS and for a larger amount of staked SPS than lower-rated players." These were never official numbers, they were used as an example...

Sure, the DAO can absolutely distribute its SPS to players or in any other way it chooses.

The SPS requirement is horse shit for sure.