SPS Governance Proposal - Hire SMC To Develop 5 Promo Card Sales

in #spsproposal3 months ago


This proposal is for the SPS DAO to hire Steem Monsters Corp., the company behind the Splinterlands game, to develop and operate five separate promo card sales events over roughly the next six months for the benefit of the SPS DAO. The total cost for this project will be 600M DEC tokens paid up-front to the @splinterlands in-game wallet.

Promo Card Sales Event Details

Each of the five sales events will feature two interesting and flexible card designs including, but not limited to, Dragon, Neutral, and Multi-Element units that will be exclusive to these sales events and will not be available in packs or any other sales in the future. The character designs, art, names, and stats of the cards will be designed by the Splinterlands team.

The promo cards will be purchasable using DEC only, as the purpose of this proposal is to generate demand for the DEC token as described in more detail below. The exact pricing will be decided by the Splinterlands team and announced at least one week before each promo sales event begins. All DEC spent will go to the @sps.dao wallet.

We plan to work with the SPS stakeholder community ahead of each promo card sale event to determine whether or not there will be other incentives or prizes such as the leaderboard rewards that we have included for similar past events. We would like to purposely leave these additional details open to be decided by the team, with input from the community, to allow us to be flexible and able to design the best possible event for the DAO based on the conditions at the time each event is to be launched.

Proposal Reasoning & Expectations

The SPS economy is designed specifically around demand for DEC tokens through asset and feature purchases in the Splinterlands game. It is therefore in the best interest of all SPS token holders to offer more items for sale for DEC within the Splinterlands game, ideally in ways that are affordable and that require minimal effort from the development team.

We believe that promo card sales are the best way to bring in significant additional demand for DEC in the short term without distracting from our longer-term priority of bringing new players into the game.

Based on similar past events, we expect - though we cannot guarantee - that each of the five sale events will bring in at least 200M DEC tokens for the DAO - or over 1B DEC tokens in total over the five events - which would mean that the DAO would nearly double (if not more) its investment of 600M DEC tokens that we are asking for to build and operate the events.

These promo card sales are something that the company has planned to do for some time, but before going forward with them we wanted to offer this opportunity to the SPS DAO to be the entity that owns these assets while the Splinterlands company would simply be a hired contractor to build and operate the sales.

This means that the SPS DAO will assume the risk if the sales do not perform well, but will also reap the benefits if they do. This is the same situation as when the DAO hired SMC to build and operate the Rebellion set sale event last year, which has worked out extremely well for the DAO so far.

That being said, if this proposal does not pass, and the SPS stakeholders do not want to take this opportunity, then the company plans to still launch these promo card sales events and will retain all of the DEC proceeds.


Printing even more cards is the problem & not a solution.

Make cards scarce again so players are actually willing to buy rebellion packs which give the company some revenue. Many Max-level cards now go for below 2$ having 400 copies in them. We need a card burn instead, just require a similar type card to be burned to unlock Soulbound cards and make it so that the ones who play with unlocked cards get a bonus % on their wins. Printing more cards at a time when there is no demand will make things worse.

You can't draw a linear correlation between amount of cards and value of cards. A card will lose value through other factors too, not just quantity. You should be aware of plenty of very strong cards in high quantities which are higher valued than rarer cards.

In the end adding new cards will have a negative impact on cards it is superior too, yes, but it just as well might push the price of other cards through new synergies. In the end, more options are better and I highly doubt that every new card bought is financed through the sale of older cards and even then there is a small benefit through market taxes. Much more likely more money will flow into the ecosystem.

And yes, it goes to the ecosystem due to the nature of the proposal. Everything above the payment to the SPL team goes into the DAO. Eventually the rewards have to be financed somehow other than printing SPS and while we look forward to less sale pressure on the SPS token we all should be aware that future rewards have to come from somewhere.

The problem I see is releasing that many promo cards in that short of a time in this climate. If I had to guess, they'll be a lot more expensive than they should be because no one can seem to read a room. In the past, there were many people (myself included) who felt like they had to FOMO in to everything that was ever for sale. So much so that we worried about how quickly things would sell out. Well, back then, there was a reasonable expectation that these assets would increase in value in the future. That is no longer a reasonable expectation, in my opinion. I think we might be overestimating how many people are left that will buy these cards. I almost certainly will not be buying any of them.

I think this could end up being a bad deal for the DAO if the cards sell poorly. That said, what else should the DAO even spend money on? If there's no game, there's no point in there being a DAO. So why not... let's take a shot in the dark and hope it works out. I don't have any better ideas myself.

In the past, there were many people (myself included) who felt like they had to FOMO in to everything that was ever for sale. So much so that we worried about how quickly things would sell out. Well, back then, there was a reasonable expectation that these assets would increase in value in the future. That is no longer a reasonable expectation, in my opinion. I think we might be overestimating how many people are left that will buy these cards. I almost certainly will not be buying any of them.

This exactly! Many older MAX level cards now go for under 4$ which is ridiculous given how much was paid for them. If Splinterlands doesn't find a way for card values to somehow hold up I would say it's dead as not enough people are going to be willing to buy new cards or packs which clearly can be seen now. Rebellion isn't selling and they are coming with a ton more promo cards all of a sudden. Card burning is needed right now to save the game, not more card printing. Feels like we are still in the loop to flood the market with assets to pay the high costs of running the game which makes things worse and worse for players as the game itself hasn't improved in 5+ years staying just the same. New players aren't going to come in if they don't get the sense that their investment will hold up or increase over time.

Burning at least 50% the DEC spent on the cards is better imo

I have said this many, many times and couldn't agree more

the dec in the dao are considered burned, their own words and now you are resorting to that. i don't want to say i predicted that, but did i...
above all, what does the dao gain from the dec income if you empty the dao again afterwards anyway?
and how does it help the dec price if dec from the dao is brought back into circulation by you?
just another really bad show going on here!

🤣 😆 😂 Splinterlands is a joke. Sell your cards and Sps, get out as fast as you can. Love to see the comments of people wising up to their scams. You’re better off throwing your money away into a game you actually like.

I love how this person just trash talks every post. Someone seems butt hurt 😂

lol I just love how bitcoinflood is a total fan boy for one of the worst games in the world. At least I’m trying to protect people from signing up to this scam. 🤷

calm it down lol what's a good game ?

This game is now a complete scam. They are even banning people from Discord for speaking out against the team or the game. They have looted all the investors and now they are eyeing the DAO fund. lol

yes i can confirm that, i was also banned without comment, and i also know from some others that it happened to them. meanwhile you are simply banned secretly and without comment, so that the rest of the community does not notice this. this is a procedure of fraudsters, so that the remaining victims in the bubble do not realize what is really going on and continue to pay money!

Oh, sorry to hear that. When I was still in Splinterlands discord I always liked your critical and necessary approach to question things.
It's a bad sign if people nowadays get banned secretly!

This is a flat out lie. "Banned without comment"... you were given literally dozens of warnings spanning months and months, multiple time outs, and literally given a final warning by a mod before you were banned. Since you continued undeterred after your final warning, there was group discussion amongst the mods, and finally a ban was decided and enacted. What were you expecting... "ok here's ONE MORE final warning!"?? Maybe after that... "ok we really mean it this time..." If you can't read between the lines after dozens of warnings and time outs, and after literally being told 'this is your final warning'... I really don't know what to say. And here you continue to spread falsehoods.

you are lying, where did i receive a warning?
about half a year ago you gave me a warning when i had an argument with dave, but that was cleared up afterwards. after that i never received another warning. if i did receive a warning you can surely link to it as it should still be written somewhere publicly in the discord. i was simply timouted for a week with the justification that i had already been warned before, although this was not true! and after the week i was simply banned in the middle of a conversation and then my profile was subsequently flagged with a warning etc. . .i even asked you publicly why i was simply timouted for a week and you wrote yourself that you didn't know. i wrote to support and they simply didn't reply!
with allegedly dozens of warnings against me, it won't be a problem to show a few, i don't have to be able to read between the lines as you say, because if no warnings are issued against me, then i can't and don't have to take a statement like ``that was your last warning'' seriously, because the sentence is simply a lie!
and above all, if this happened as you claim, why did nobody realize that i was banned? i have private contact with several people who were active in the discord, nobody realized that you banned me, they only found out about it privately from me.
if you mods talk privately in your mod channel about warning me, but then end up not issuing a warning against me, for whatever reason. then i have not been warned!
so stop lying

you mods should have been banned for lying and suppressing truths, i said something like the money for the servers will be empty soon and people will see it soon, for that you mods accuse me of fud. a few weeks later matt himself says that the money for the server costs is short and now we see that the money is desperately needed. so i simply told the truth, but you accused me of fud because you wanted to ban inconvenient truths. you wanted to silence me for such things, but couldn't issue a warning because otherwise people would have realized what kind of game was being played!

So if the results of an accurate analysis, which in retrospect even turned out to be correct, are banned, then you are clearly using the methods of fraudsters!

You said lots of things that were fine to say and perfectly valid counterpoints, but you even now continue make assumptions as to very specific things you think were regarded as FUD, etc. You sold all your assets then continued to constantly shit on the team and the project, day after day after day, including making things up, making baseless claims and accusations, spreading lies etc etc. Of course you said things that were true. But you also said tons of things that were not. Just a search of your chat history shows countless examples of this.

I'm not wasting any more time on this but wanted to make it publicly clear you were lying about being banned without comment/notice/warning.

so you were looking for warnings and didn't find any. you could have just been honest, but no, rather say again how shit I am to justify it somehow. but thanks, it was a pleasure again!

I agree with you (for once) the moderation team is clearly discreetly censoring everything that is not positive toward the game as "fud" without even explaining their actions publicly which is unacceptable.

Every dying system becomes more and more aggresive towards it's citizens/customers, and SPL is no exception to that rule.

All you have to do is LOOK at the chats to see we do NOT censor "everything that is not positive". I can't understand how you can make that assumption if you just read.

What the proposal is not saying, and probably should be updated in somehow, is that the DAO will have to get used to tapping income streams rather sooner than later. Eventually the SPS mint will stop and while many claim that it needs to stop sooner rather than later it is also the only way to finance rewards currently. At some point rewards and prizes will have to come from somewhere other than print because the SPS DAO will not be able to throw out more SPS as rewards. You get the idea.

If anything I think the compensation for the SPL team is too low, but then again, I have zero information to make this more of a hunch.

I am just leaving a screen-shot here with the last proposal (were we got a big part of our DAO DEC from) here and some comment of famous SPL peoples. Seems like you are not holding your words.
Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-17 um 16.29.29.png

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-17 um 16.31.16.png


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Even if these sales are successful and lock up a ton of dec, the bot farms are just going to burn more reward cards and undo most of the work.

I really struggle with the math being incorrect, and another thing to note is some people use the abbreviation "m" for thousand and some for million (those who use it for thousand use "mm" for million).

The math 600million to 1billion, is not nearly doubling the investment. 400million increase on a 600million investment is 66.67% increase which is far from double as double would be 100% increase.

Will the promos be available to buy with credits? Will that be converted to DEC and sent to DAO?

As I said before, we urgently need to hire an advertising team to create an ads campaigns to generate some hype and ultimately recruit new players that we need most.

I suggest setting up a series of promo cards for new players only and the gold cards from this series should be airdrop from old accounts only. In addition, each new account referred by old one would entitle you to an additional chance for the airdrop. Set that up with a good advertising campaign and this should attract the attention of new players.

I love Splinterlands but as long as there are bots and as long as real players like me who like to play to Splinterlands against other real players are FORCED to play with their Alpha, Beta, and Untamed cards against bots in the wild format I will vote against any proposal regarding the issuance of new cards!
The Wild and Modern Format system is a beautiful system but without the presence of bots.
In the current situation it is an ugly system that destroys the in-game utility of the cards every time the cards come out of Modern Format.
This should be the priority!
Splinterlands doesn't want to remove bots because it doesn't care about real players?
The only logical and intelligent solution is to remove bots from Splinterlands or create a league just for bots.

Why if the dao pay, the Company choose price? And why throw away all that decs to the dao if it's so sure it's a sale success and not keep them for the company

@yabapmatt You are exploiting all the investors, causing them to leave this terrible game. Now, you're eyeing the DAO fund. What a joke.

@yabapmatt You are not capable of managing this game. You and your team are complete losers. It would be better to sell the game to someone who can actually handle it.