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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Expand Market Making Contract with Flowdesk

in #spsproposal10 months ago

This one is much more transparent and straight forward, as for 'transparent enough', I would have to research more and understand how the payments would be made. i.e. direct from the DAO to the MM in a blockchain transaction, or through you or Matt etc.

This proposal also states that it is aiming to fix the most glaring issue with the previous proposal, which implies that if this were to pass, it would be more likely then not, moving forward or attempting to move forward. My understanding of the law would make moving forward with the previous proposal, even with this proposal passing, impossible without seriously exposing yourself and the DAO to potentially significant lawsuits.

I think it would also be beneficial for you personally to look into how some of the existing finance DAOs operate in regard to deals/partnerships/payments etc.
I will also be looking into how they operate to understand what the understood standard operating procedures are for DAOs.


I share your concerns about our D(A)O's situation and would welcome greater clarity and transparency.