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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - DHF Agreement

in #spsproposal5 months ago

in the case of someone raising the return proposal, to defund the SPL proposal, the return proposal will be unvoted by the party agreeing to provide support, in cases where low quality projects would not be getting funding due to such unvoting of the return proposal. It is a bit open ended and subject to interpretation but it can be considered a bonus.

I am not a fan of this mentality. If a proposal doesn’t pass the return, that means it was voted to not pass.

Encouraging removing votes from the return to get it to pass is tearing apart the governance to squeeze something in without the proper amount of votes while allowing other proposals that also failed to get carried in with it.

This mentality is not healthy to the Hive ecosystem.


Thats why it says:

"in cases where low quality projects would not be getting funding due to such unvoting of the return proposal."

This applies only to the set few agreeing to this.

So if those agreeing to this deem unvoting the return proposal as harming the system they reserve the right not to unvote the return.

to get it to pass is tearing apart the governance to squeeze something in without the proper amount of votes

The proper amount of votes is 1 more vote than the return proposal.