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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Alternative to Solution to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposal9 months ago

Your point of removing the level penalty being bad is absolutely correct,that´s why the current system doesn´t work.If they bring that back, bots will rent gold league/max cards again and we wouldn´t have so many gold league/max copies for sale now, because people could still rent them out for a reasonable price.That should have been the proposal.


How about, instead of penalizing players for not having the 'proper' level of card- we institute a multiplier based on the level/rarity of the cards fielded?

The level 'penalty' was bad, for many, many reasons- first and foremost: it wasn't based off of 'fielded'. It was based on 'highest level of owned/rented'. So, people would own/rent cards to avoid the penalty while fielding Starter Summoners and L1 teams.
Ie. accounts would rent L5 Chaos Agents then field them as L1 because that same account didn't rent/own ANY summoners.

OTOH if there was a policy where all (non-SB) 'Silver' leveled cards got you a 4x (25x) multiplier to your earnings.... well I think you would see a MASSIVE uptick in the quality of cards fielded.

how about the SPS req doesnt that make people spend enough money over large bot farms. This wont impact me much except being very annoying bc i have to re arrange my main deck to my alt accounts just to get the right CP so i can keep my level and earnings where they are.

no i had already made the proposal last year, because the problem already existed at that time, the abolition of the level penalty then brought it to light for everyone. the level penalty only limited it to one degree so that most people don't see it at first glance if they don't deal with it. but even then the problem was already there. or are you telling me 1bcx accounts in silver 1 with gold rating were no problem? the abolition of the level penalty only closed the last brake