Sorry but I would ask you to stop telling that I spread misinformation. I don't know if it was some change, but when you read here (I think it is official announcement of splinterlands isn't it?):
than you see that it was at least in this way before, maybe now they changed it.
But if you asked me to don't spread misinformation I would like to ask you to do the same and don't speak about leaderboard-prices from a negligible amount of DEC, as they are more than 7.2 million DEC every season (even not calculating when player share a place and the higher amount is payed out to all players) - this is really not negligible if I see the aim of your proposal.
You are right, prior to SPS it was mostly funded by market fees, but I don't believe it has been for a couple years.
I admit I was wrong to say the season rewards were negligible, I had not done the calculations. Although it is a fair chunk, it is not scalable as the game grows, it's a flat 7.2million per season. This proposal is not the same thing.
As I mentioned in an earlier comment, this will need to be replaced by something and where would this new amount come from?
As I mentioned in an earlier comment from the free SPS who aren't used for the liquidy pools.
In this document stand 7.5 million SPS but only 5.25 million SPS seems to be allocated:
Roughly 500k SPS (from the free 2.25 million SPS) would be enough to replace all leaderboard-prices with an equal amount of SPS on base of the actual rate from roughly 30 DEC = 1 SPS.
Honestly, this is very good research, I didn't even know we had unallocated LP rewards. However, I don't believe reducing DEC supply by minting more SPS is the way to go. The point of burning DEC is to get to burning SPS faster. If we increase SPS emissions to reach burning DECs faster, that mildly defeats the purpose. If you believe in this cause I suggest writing up your own proposal.
Back to discussing about this proposal, I believe the backbone of this game is the play to earn component, and that is mostly derived from SPS value since reward cards are now soulbound. One way to sustain SPS value is by reducing the oversupply of DECs, which will eventually result in the burning of SPS. This proposal will mainly hurt sellers and renters in the short term by a 1.05% reduced revenue, but in the long term I strongly believe it will help every aspect of the ecosystem immensely.
Hello, thank you for your view.
Maybe I would write my own proposal(s) when I could this for free, but as long as it take 100k DEC I will surely write no proposal.
IMO this fee is not fair, I could maybe live with a fee when the proposal is declined but it miss me the understanding why I should pay this fee when I submit a good proposal who is accepted by the community.
Also Splinterlands can - as far as I know - submit proposal for free, so why I should pay 100k DEC ?
I think the 100k DEC fee is fair, otherwise we'll see too many proposals and I don't have time to read that much!
However, if you do have an idea you are passionate about, you can always try to mention it in Discord chat and others who believe in it too may be willing to help support it. For example, this proposal was fully funded by the community after my initial one failed.
How you know this ?
I mean the downvote-function in Hive is a strong reason to don't submit nonsense.
On the other hand I saw some player who paied 100k DEC and as special bonus they get destroyed their reputation from downvotes, also if their proposal was a good idea, just some whales don't liked it and downvote it with 100% and splinterlands was completely uninterested (I mean they could easily equalise the downvote).
It may be fair to propose that any paid for proposal that passes would get a 50k DEC refund. This could be considered a bounty or reward for presenting a passing proposal. I think that would generate a little more intrest without causing a deludge of proposals. I think its fair to reward people in this way.
Sorry. I know this is off topic.Just couldnt help not responding lol.
3 month later I really see your success:

Yes, so do I.