Hello Friends,
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Today I am sharing my battle for Splinterlands Weekly Battle Share Challenge with the magic healer of the earth WOOD NYMPH. I saw this week's weekly challenge last night, so I thought that today I have to complete this challenge and win the match too. I'm on Silver 1 league right now and I do daily 4 to 5 battles with Earth cards. When Earthquake rule comes I use Earth Cards because I have more flying monsters in Earth.
Super Sneak: All melee attack monsters have the Sneak ability. This means that all melee monsters will have the ability to attack the last monster.
Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks. This means the monster with the slowest speed will be the first to perform attack and if a fast speed monster of opponent attacks on a less speed monster, then the monster with less speed have more chances of evading attack.
27: I got 27 mana in this battle. I had to choose the monsters very carefully because mana was a little less.
Summoner:- DELWYN DRAGONSCALE- I choose my favorite summoner in this battle. It is a dragon Summoner and the ability of this summoner is increases the magic attack of the monsters. According to battle rule, I selected all monsters with 1 speed except one monster which is WOOD NYMPH and its speed is 3.
1- FURIOUS CHICKEN: I use this on the front place in every battle. My furious chicken is level 1 so it has no attack but it costs 0 MANA and gets 1 health so it is worth.
2- BICERATOPS: After choosing all the cards 4 Mana was left and no magic card was available to choose in 4 Mana so I have chosen Biceratops because it comes with 1 Armor and 4 health and 2 attacks with 1 speed which fits very well with rule of this battle.
3- SPORCERER: This monster have 2 magic attacks with 5 health and 1 speed and with the ability of the Summoner magic attack of Sporcerer increased to 3.
4- GOBLIN PSYCHIC: I did not want to use it because of its low health which is very low in comparison to other cards in the same Mana but according to game rule and my summoner it seemed right so chosen it.
5- WOOD NYMPH- The main monster of this battle WOOD NYMPH without this I cannot complete this challenge. I have level 4 Wood Nymph, except it my all monsters were of level 1 in this battle
Level 4 WOOD NYMPH Stats
6- KHMER PRINCESS: I put this monster on the last place and it was right to keep it in the last place. It comes with 1 magic attack and with the help of summoner it gains 1 more magic attack.
Battle Round-1
Battle Round-2
Battle Round-3
Battle Round-4
Battle Round-5
Battle Round-6
Battle Round-7
My Strategy
I made my strategy keeping in mind the game rules and Mana.
According to the rule of the game I have to use the monster with the lowest speed so that my monsters can perform their attacks faster because the rule was reverse speed. I used all of my monsters with 1 speed except 1 which is in the battle challenge Wood Nymph. Speed of wood nymph was 3. I chose DELWYN DRAGONSCALE as my summoner and increases the 1 magic attack of all of my monsters who have magic attack except 2 monsters. Do you like my battle and post?
Thanks for checking out my post, have a great day!
Thanks for sharing! - @libertycrypto27