Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well
This is my SplinterLands battle share post for this week and I am sharing ANT MINERS today with you
Kobolds have long been considered the most skilled miners in the land. Their small stature and inherent bravery allows them to squeeze into small and risky spaces, and they are very good with tools. Recently however, the Kobolds have apparently dug too deep into the crust beneath the Molten Mountains. This has allowed an undiscovered race of Fire Ants to breach the surface. These Ants are each about the size of a man’s fist, not large enough individually to pose a threat to anyone, but they are very good at teamwork and they operate through a shared hive mind. The Ant Miners carry tiny tools, which they use to enhance their already-formidable digging skills. They always travel in packs and lines; if you see a line of Ant Miners approaching your home, do not attempt to fight. It’s best to just give up your home.
My team included:
Malric Inferno - Fire Summoner
Living Lava - Tank
Elemental Phoenix - Legendary magic attacker with 5 speed and blast ability
Ant Miners - Melee with scavenge ability
Fire Elemental - Range with blast ability
Cerberus - Melee attacker with heal and Retaliate
Ruleset - Poison ruleset
Gameplay - Had a good strategy with Lava taking most of damage and doing some. Phoenix and Fire Elemental as my main attackers with blast. Ant Miners scavenging any dead's and Cerberus with retaliate and heal incase there were any sneaks. Kralus with cleanse ability turned the match in opposition favours as he was a bit too much to deal with
Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?
Had a good strategy. Kralus turned the match around with its cleanse ability in poison ruleset. I will have to get a cleanse card or summoner if and when I can.
Do you use the ANT MINERS often? Why or why not?
Yes. Often in the poison ruleset with its scavenge ability
This is the official battle challenge post for Splinterlands Weekly Battle Share Challenge. If you like the challenge and want to make a post then you can also participate and share it with more people.
Become part of this wonderful game and enjoy the awesome gaming along with rewards and use my link below to be part of it-
Good bye for now. Stay safe, be kind and enjoy life as much as you can.
Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss
