And I love that we can also just 'skip to results' sometimes too! Sometimes I do that, or if I am using a new team set-up I'll use the fast-forward so I can watch.
I like how sometimes a round can be so close but then someone misses which turns the whole thing around and the underdog comes out winning!
I also like the 'fatigue' affect that starts happening after... the 20th round? There have been a few matches where both the apponent and me have been stuck with a ranger as our last cards and in that case noone hits anyone!
Or one time the opponent had a ranger with 4 health, I had a melee with 3 hit but they also had heal.. so I'd hit them for 3 they would heal back to 4.. fatigue came into effect and at that point I was finally able to wipe them out lol!
I can't believe this is your first season ending! Wow! How many cards did reaching Silver get you?