here. I decided to fixthe final touches today and post the link to my tool which allows you to get a list of cards filtering by the summoner rarity and league.Last week in Discord @cryptoreaper asked in #general if there was a spreadsheet for Splinterlands cards listing their attacks and abilities. Thinking it'd be relatively easy and fun I embarked on my attempt, which took me longer than I thought. A week later and a few hours of learning that JavaScript objects are useful but annoying I found that @gringo211985 has released a nice looking tool that does almost the same thing
I've done some cross checks but let me know if anything looks out of ordinary 👍
Default Sort - Common Summoner & Novice League
Sorted By Melee Attack - Legendary Summoner & Gold League
CSV Download:
Other related posts:
Splinterlands API Documentation
Splinterlands Reward Cards Stats on
Enjoy the rest of your day :)
cool although it misses the level at which the abilities come
Posted using Partiko Android
Is this a suggestion or a data error? As far as displaying the level they receive each ability I could add a mouse hover pop up to show further details.
Posted using Partiko Android
Great work. We need more tools like this.
What an awesome tool! This will be receiving a Steem Monsters upvote!