Reducing the Mandatory Contribution Requirement
Those unfamiliar with our new mandatory DEC contribution requirement can refer to the prior notice found here:
- New minimum contribution requirement will be 100 DEC per season for all members and 1000 DEC for officers.
- The former contribution requirement was 500 DEC per season for all members and 5000 DEC for officers.
With a month now come to pass and 2 seasons worth of this trial run under effect, I feel it is appropriate to reduce our mandatory DEC contribution from 500 DEC per season to 100 DEC per season. Likewise, officer requirements will also be reduced to 1000 DEC per season.
As these past two seasons have demonstrated, it is proving to be increasingly challenging to gain higher DEC rewards as it had been a little over a month ago. Part of this is due to the increasing number of players and higher reward polarization from the top players via a shared DEC pool (ex. all the +% DEC bonuses).
As such, it doesn't make sense to fairly charge our members 500 DEC as this would unfairly begin to tap into much of the reward that is derived from our guild's membership. With a mere 100 DEC requirement, we will continue to progress our guild's development albeit at a slower pace.
Yet at the same time, a slower pace is starting to become more fitting. Potential recruits have not flocked to seek membership thereby reducing the need to quickly increase guild membership capacity. Likewise, the next level of our guild's progression isn't going to be met any time anyhow as each progressive level requires increasing contribution limits.
This policy will go into effect starting next season. Those failing to meet the former requirement will still be called out accordingly for the current season.
@fantasycrypto, @bet1x2, @therentaltest, @photohunt, @vlemon, @chrisroberts, @bringo, @rekodesign, @karenmckersie, @stackin, @hotbit, @nellik, @acidmaster, @ponte79, @kryptomario, @criptoanarquista, @dolov, @theoneaboveall, @brasan, @knightsunited
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RealityHubs Mod
Im not sure the total I have contributed this season, but I just contributed 1,000 more DEC to the Guild Hall! im trying to save up so I can level up a couple of my Summoners to improve those splinters, or I would contribute more. Good luck guys, Go Knights!! upped 💯 and resteemed!!💯🎉👍❤👹