in #spt3 years ago (edited)

Hi all,

another Splinterlands season ended today. I finished this season with 1088 rating in Bronze I league. Take a look what i found in the chests!

I found two copies of Pelacor Mercenary, one of my favorite reward card! I think it is undervalued, i never see it played against me since i playing this game. Two melee damage plus flying ability and 1 armor are useful stats for a low league battles and Ruleset like Melee Mayhem, super sneak and Equal opportunity. What do you think about Pelacor Mercenary? Do you use it or not?

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Mercenary is a card I like, but I don't play it often unless it's an end of the line tank. Congrats on the rewards.

What do you think about Pelacor Mercenary? Do you use it or not?

Sometimes I use it. I think that there are better cards for seven mana.

By the way, I received two Rare Venari Wavesmith cards this season in Bronze III.

Good luck and have fun.