- Explanation of the deal is here: Look at me? I'm the captain now of splintersharder for 2 weeks
- Update 1 is here: All Your DEC Are Belong to Me - Quick Update 1
- Update 2 is here: All your DEC are belong to me! Quick Update 2!
If you don't know how we got here, checkout the above two linked posts. Newest update can be found below with pictures and maths to boot.

UPDATE 3 - 11 Days In - Updating for 8 Oct to 11 Oct
DEC Earned
Starting balance, provided by @solymi, was 200 DEC. At the end of 3 Days the total balance in the account was 705 DEC. After 7 days the total balance in the account was 1,100 DEC. Below is a screenshot of the current DEC balance showing the total after 11 days.

Quest Rewards
Prior to this update I had completed 8 quests for this account. Below are the rewards from the next 4 day's quests:
Oct 8:
I was busy so I forgot to write down what the quest was. 3 loot chests means I was still in Silver 2. Not bad loot. I do wish I had more Seedsmiths on my own accounts so bit of a shame.

Oct 9:
Today was a Neutral Quest. In Silver 2 I seemed to be matched up against alt account after alt account. Ended up down by 35 rank only which based on the matches I got feels like a real accomplishment. Nothing wrong with 15 DEC. I will get 10.5 DEC which will be a bit more than half of yesterday's burn value. A potion on the other hand is a wasted chest for me. I probably should just consider myself lucky to have earned so few potions as of yet.

Oct 10:
Sunday night has arrived. I'm currently binge watching Squid Game with my SO. It's gruesome and wonderful. Anyhow, so I completed a quest while that was streaming. I managed a screenshot of the loot chests after moving up into Silver 1. The RNG Gods were clearly displeased.

Oct 11:
I focused up while watching @siutcase swear his way through a Death quest in Bronze league. My quest, Sneak, went pretty quickly and smoothly. I screwed up and didnt screenshot it so I went to peakmonsters for the info. The DEC in the image below is 9 DEC.

Let's take a look at a DEC summary:
Update 1 Total: 522 DEC
Update 2 Total: 886 DEC
1844 DEC - 1100 DEC = 744 DEC
744 DEC * 70% = 521 DEC
55 DEC * 50% = 27 DEC
1,434 DEC
I hope to make the 2000 DEC mark but either way:

3 Days till end of season. @solymi has asked me to run the season report card for the Splintersharder account so that will probably be my next post.
End of Post Obligatory Things
Check us both out, we post about Splinterlands here, @magooz, @solymi
aka MagooZ
aka HellaciousZ
aka (temporarily) Splintersharder