You should be playing Splinterlands.

You can watch the battle here!

I have highlighted with a red box the most critical of choices, and dont get me wrong Harklaw did his part in slowing down the Frost Giant but that lineup in that order is what I think was the key to the match. All my damage comes from magic so my opponent could have picked armored units and it wouldn't have mattered but instead they chose speed and dodge which my units also negated. Second, putting chicken and Bonesmith in the lead meant I bought the Bonesmith a hit to build up a little extra health before he became the primary snipe target.

By the middle of Round 3, we are down to tanks and units not targetable by snipe. So now my 2 magic damage will burn down the frost giant while his 1 magic damage gets bounced back at him leaving him with just a chicken by the close of round 4. Round start starts and end with the chicken taking a single fatal blow from Magi Necrosi to cement my victory.

Featured Card

Four hundred years before the first rift opened, the first whispers of chaos brought dark beasts under a blood moon to the Tower of Azdurj. Creatures of nightmare began hunting by night, lurking the valleys and crawling on the wind.
In desperation, the acolytes of Azdurj sought forbidden tomes, long sealed beneath their tower. By the candlelight of hidden recesses within their tower's crypt, the first Necrosi were born. Forged to battle the spawn of Chaos, these bounty hunters are eager to take up the fight.
“By the light of the full moon, I first walked upon the sundered lands as a faceless brother of the Black Sign, my life as an uncloaked all but forgotten.
With glittering siphilum coursing through my veins, I saw the first shadows cast by new eyes, and my heart was full.
I had survived the transmutation and was eager to don my cloak and gauntlets, symbols of the trials I faced to take this form...and the perils of the coming Doom.”
Not the most amazing lore as far as story telling goes. One of the risks in randomly chosen cards and lore segments is that some of the new lore does not stand alone. In some cases it takes multiple cards to get a better idea of the full picture. For example, there are multiple Mycelic cards in the new chaos set and the lore on each enhances the story of the others. So while the story here is pretty neat, it makes me wonder where else I should be looking to gain greater understanding.
At Max Level

Stats Progression

I like this card and its potential. At 6 mana I don't know that it has the greatest use case for matches under 30 but I think its ability progression is great. At level 1 its stats and abilities are amazing. Given that its a magic and snipe monster, getting oppression and stun continues to enhance it. Whether is a healer, an Almo, a Cube or a utility monster, the Magi has the potential to quickly remove them from the match through a combination of armor ignoring damage and stuns.

MstrMagoo aka MagooZ