A Monster Introduction
Stats and Whatnot
Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: COMMON
Element: LIFE
ABILITIES: Thorns at level 4; Retaliation at level 9
I feel there has got to be more to this. Like what is the Obliteration of Light? Why were they napping? What does their size have to do with their thorns? I get retaliation but why is the cat prickly? Is it his crystalline edges?
During the historic Obliteration of Light, a family of wild cats was napping deep in one of the caves of the Crystal Forest. They were spared by the wave of destruction, and over time, with no competition for food, the cats grew incredibly large.
I got all of mine from Untamed packs but the card markets are the place to go should you want any at this point.

We Want a Fight!
Well here it is!

League: Silver 2
Rating: 1470
Ruleset: Spreading Fury and Earthquake
Mana: 19
Splinters: Fire, Water, Life and Death
Starting Lineup:

Lorna Shine. Everyone gets a Divine Shield. This ability can be a real difference maker in low mana matches where an extra hit for most monsters is a pretty big deal in extending their life through an extra round of the match.

2nd TANK:
Pelacor Conjurer aka Johnny Bravo!
He flies. He has good speed at 4. He has decent health with 5 hearts. He has frick'n magic reflect to boot. He's got wings. He has a cool hair cut. He has some sweet aviators! Need I say more?

DAMAGE 1: Light Elemental!
It flies and does 2 magic damage for 4 mana! Everything else is extra. Great for low mana matches.

How it started:
My opponent starts with a level 1 team. They are not in for a good time.

How it's going:
1 Round in and Crystal Jaguar has the only kill so far. Thorns is what took down the Cockatrice so kitty kills = 1.
2 rounds complete and pretty kitty is truck'n along.
I was super surpised to see that Crystal Jaguar survived all the way to Round 4. I mean she finished Round 3 losing only 1 health for the round and 3 health for the entire match.
How it ended:
Earthquake damage is what finally takes down our Divine Healer in Round 4! Everyone else survives. Am I cherry picking my matches for these reviews? No but this one seemed like a choice candidate for bloating my confidence.

Replay: Lorna vs. Bortus

I love a Crystal Jaguar. As I said above, a greater tank you cannot name for low mana and Little League matches involving the Life splinter. Thorns with retaliate and high health is amazing for 4 mana.

Are you interested in playing? Click this link --> SPLINTERLANDS and then gimme a shout.
Did I get something wrong? Do you disagree? Did I miss a critical bit of detail? Let me hear about it.
As always, where ever and when ever this finds you, be well and don't forget to be awesome.
MstrMagoo aka MagooZ aka HellaciousZ

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121