Objective: Win 5 Ranked battles with Steem Monsters Life Splinters.
Battle #1 with @zu-jyuva
Battle #3 with @gear.nsnow
Battle #4 with @manniman
REWARD: 7 Reward edition cards!
Thanks for playing with me it was a pleasure but surely next time i will not be so lucky.
Steem Monsters is a collectible trading & drafting card game with RPG elements on the STEEM Blockchain. This means you own your cards and all transactions are public. At steemmonstersgame.com, you can trade, level up and gain XP, battle & sell them! Gold Legendary cards have sold for thousands of dollars in the Steem Monsters Market! These cards will be limited. Currently, we are in Beta and you can battle with daily Quest rewards!
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Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/CAFJRjY
Steem: https://steemit.com/@steemmonsters
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steemmonsters/
Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/GcDQKw_cQE6zuvgdw_GiTQ