I think we really should look into this before the statue expires and i dont care what the code says we need to look at the criminal code where he is located or where the disputes are governed and he very well me be guilty of fraud under the definition of the law or some other law and if i dont understand there is stil la guilty party or parties bc that should not have happened and if warning was given then if it was buried that need to be brought out i dont think burying this letting ppl get awy with it is the awners i know the dao cant reverse shit but a dao can bring charges if there are any and let ppl know they dont fuck with the prices and tank a project costing millions and yess millions and still unquantifiable damanges indirectly and the court would likely look at all of that and the damages will be much larger than anyone things. I dont fees bad doing it or going after them if there is a criminal law they broke that we can now go oh well we would like more than a token back how about it all plus damanges so that ecomomic value we lost comes from your pocket to mine and maybe a extra grand for my guild shit he pulled some bs on but ya still waiting for my dec refund bc getting kicked bc of a hssy fit bc ppl didnt have the correct info and were to proud to admit they were wrong and want to look tough infront of his guild and thinks im a push over and wont remember this for basically ever until i get it back with interest which by time i get it back maybe it would buy me a new ferrari could us that but if i have a case have fun im sure id get support to try n recover that shit bc it will be pretty easy to get a community 95% boned with 5% making out to basically say no and it still prserves the dao fuction.
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