Introduction to the community, and starting a blog series.

in #spt3 years ago

Introduction of myself

Who am i? I go by diffrent names, on discord i'm NaturesFinest this name comes from my time as a WoW player,In most games i go by the name of theirondaddy, This name was a fusion of the two things i loved most in life, that used to be lifting iron(weights) and then i became a father and my daughter become my number one.

The person behind the game characters??
So in my daily life i go by the name Kevin, I'm 29 years young, I'm a father and a proud husband, I love my gym workouts, Cooking dinners, Gaming and my job, i'm a social worker and work in a home for people that have diffrent disabilities.

My Gaming Experience so far:
I have a broad experience within the gaming industry, I started out playing Runescape, played this game for years then moved on to World of Warcraft, in the meantime i was also playing Counterstrike 1.6 and then GO when that came out, League of Legends, Call of duty and even Conquerer Online.

The Move over to Splinterlands:
Since i became a father there was little to no time for me to play games that could take up to 30 - 60 minute for a single game so i moved over to mobile games that i could turn off in a matter of minutes,i've played a few diffrent games for a total of 2 years and then i discovered splinterlands by accident and am i glad i did.

Experience so far playing splinterplands:
I Started out playing 4 months ago, my very first season i managed to achieve a ranking of gold 3 by learning how to rent cards cheaply, my gaming experience gave me a good understanding for meta relevant cards and builds so i addapted quite rapidly. After i achieved gold 3 the first season i did some research on how to optimise my income, and so i created 2 more alt accounts and now i started playing 3 accounts in silver 3 and started building up my main account. After playing 4 months of 3 accounts i managed to build my main up to 15k power, and now i'm able to play at silver 3 without having to rent power. Now that i have achieved the goal of getting my main to silver 3 it was time for a new challenge in the form of diffrent post to help new players understand how to climb out of bronze with rentals cheaply, and also to understand how to take advantage during certain rulesets.

Introduction to what this blog post series will be about:

By writing this post im hoping to help players climb to silver 3 and beyond the cheapest way, and have succes and fun playing splinterlands.

For this blog series i will be following my 2 alt accounts ill reset both of those to 0 power and 800 dec this comes down to a 2 dollar investment for each account, this is needed to rent cards for power, so that you can get out of bronze and into silver.
The rewards at silver as much more superior to bronze so ill always advice players to invest 2 usd and then rent your way into silver and start making money.

I'll be writing a guide on how to rent day 1, this will be a step by step rental guide, you'll be following my exact path towards succes, all information will be given from my alts perspective.
ill be sharing some battles to give examples on how to play certain situations, And explain my decision making for certain rentals.

Also guides for each splinter will be written and i'll post those when they are ready, this will include how to take adventage during certain rulesets.

Every week i'll be posting a blog on my progression, show my profits or losses, and the cards i got from chests, and we'll see where the series takes us. If people need help on certain aspects of the game leave a comment and i'll try to answer them for you in either a new blog post or in the comments section.

My love for this community and game
made me want to give back to the people, so after every season ill be putting the cards recieved during that season in a spinning wheel and the name that comes out will be gifted to one of the people commenting on the clarify: this can be any cards i recieved including, gold foils, legendary, epic, rare and common cards. Some season i will do mutiple spins just for fun.

I hope you'all enjoyed this post so far this was it for today, i'll see you all soon.

PS: Next blogg i will add more ilustrations so that people have something to look at ;)