Kevian21 wins a giveaway, will he become the top silver leader board at 3500 rating?

in #spt3 years ago
Authored by @kevian21


Hello guys kevian21 here, today I won in a giveaway and I am super happy to win. I've learned a very valuable thing, which is you can only win if you tried.


I know it's hard to win such giveaways because it's purely out of luck, therefore you will only have a chance if you tried it is the only way to win, this inspired me to do things on the next level.
win 2.PNG


I am currently at the silver league, and almost always at the leader boards and now I'm thinking to go number 1 at 3500 rating, well that being the case we never know until we tried.

A big thanks to @marcuswahl for being awesome and doing these giveaways and operating this fun stream.

here is the twitch channel that you should check out link.


if you wanna buy cards for the best discounts for best rewards checkout this discord channel and proceed to

1up spliter.png



1up is a community mainly on NFT and blockchain games, actively rewarding those who create content for play2earn games in Hive blog platforms. if you wanna check them out, here is the Discord




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Splinterlands is a play2earn Trading Card Game, which operates on the Hive blockchain.

if you wanna register and play this game visit here