My bad on the upvote, I swear I upvoted it when I read it yesterday but I don't know if it didn't go through or what happened.
There is one other ELO implementation change which is that the minimum rating increase when winning a match is set to 10. So if you beat someone with a much lower rating than you, then instead of getting an increase of only 2 or 3 points it will be 10 points. Do you think that should be removed as well?
I will try to accommodate this feature into the simulation script later this week and compare it with plain ELO to see how different the impact is. Thanks.
What is the K value used? I assume below 20?
The k factor is 40.
10 points minimum increase of rating still favors players playing large numbers of games (like lvl 1 bots do), as it breaks the symmetry of the equation, although it has a lower impact than win streak bonus.
Instead, 1200 value instead of 400 would allow for a similar effect but would also allow for slightly larger gain for an underdog being symmetrical.