OFFICIAL POST for journaling SPUNKEE MONKEE tasks!

What did I do today?
๐This is how I cared for my Health & Hygiene! ๐คฉ
Even though I was home alone today, I still managed to get washed and dressed and get things done by myself.
๐ณThis is how I made my Environment shine!๐
I tidied my room a bit.
๐คHere is how I was of service today!๐
I helped my Mum peel potatoes for dinner!
๐จ Here is how I had fun with my hobbies!๐
I did some animation.
๐ฉ๐ปโ๐ I discovered this about what I might want to be ๐จ๐ปโ๐
I want to have people commission me for my drawings.
๐ค My special thoughts about today ๐ค
It's fun to stay home alone. :3
Points Earned for Today 

Tasks Complete (out of 5 total) : 5
Total Points For Today: 100
@spunkeemonkee will verify TOTAL points for today in a comment. Remaining BALANCE will be recorded in the comment. If you have enough points to start digging - go dig on the DAY'S Hunt Post! GREAT JOB TODAY, MONKEE!!
All the beautiful graphic from Spunkee Monkee have been designed by the AMAZING @jimramones and belong to Spunkee Monkee. Please only use these graphics when referencing OFFICIAL Spunkee Monkee business! ๐
Hi @purplemaze
Shadows says there was a series of movies called Home Alone several years ago which were hilarious. But, I'm sure you didn't get into any mischief while you were home alone... right?
Awesome that you got washed and dressed AND tidied your room even with no one there to supervise. That is very grown up of you to do!
I bet you'd do a great job if people commissioned you to draw for them. Do you practice your drawing every day?
You did 5/5 activities today for 100 points which gives you a balance of 370 points after 3 digs. Hope you got something cool on your digs.
Great Job
Hobo and The Gang
I have seen those movies, but I didn't do anything mischievous! Haha.
Yes, I practice drawing everyday. It's fun!