@v4vapid. While I agree that the man may be a vile creature. ANd his dastardly deeds should be exposed. That said, there seems to be a lot of rumor-mongering and hearsay in this piece. For example:
"There’s some speculation that Imran been involved in the hacking of Laurel Everly’s phone and possible her laptop as well (which went missing for several days until it reappeared on her bed)."
There are several other instances that I can point to, however, it would be sort of a banality to do so. I believe in exposing the reprehensible and those who do reprehensible things. We, however, need to be responsible in the way we disseminate information.
I completely admit that this is speculation but not without reason. Here are a few examples off the top of my head.
The police report (2017) - Gilani reported that she was being held captive and that Imran told her there were devices in the home and they were monitoring her phone..
Laurel, tenant on Sprayer street, had her email hacked and her contacts were receiving strange emails from her account.
Another tenant of Imran's, Andre Taggart, discovered computer equipment in the Lorton home that had government markings
A laptop belonging to Imran is discovered in the Rayburn building and is being held as evidence by the capital police
Imran Awan was banned from the congressional network after the laptop sparked an investigation into his activities.
Imran Awan is an IT expert