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RE: Elizabeth Mueller: Targeted Activist

in #spy7 years ago

This is a very powerful testimony from someone who clearly has experienced some of the harsher discouragement intended to preclude opposition to extremely profitable policies.

Sadly, it can get worse. It is good that you aren't of less robust moral fiber, as folks that have various vices are vulnerable to being setup through those vices. It's easy to set someone up who drinks, or does drugs, or etc.

I am impressed you intend to carry on, and I hope you remain safe while you do.

As a result of the opposition to my own activism, I have distanced myself from everyone I care about, eschewed property of value, and haven't been willing to use a bank for most of a decade now. People can't be used against me if I break contact with them. My property was fraudulently taken, so I am now no longer vulnerable to such fraud.

I'm a much smaller target now than when I was raising a family.

Something you should keep in mind is that courts and cops are corrupt. Many of the stalking groups contain off-duty cops, and their afflictions are covered for through their connections to prosecutors, judges, and lawyers. One of the most alarming things I discovered is that lawyers seek to represent you--so they can sabotage you.

Only folks you trust can get close enough to stab you in the back. Do not trust lawyers, cops, or the courts. Corrupt connections to moneyed interests has deeply infiltrated especially the family courts. If you have dependents, or vulnerable people you care about a lot, they can be used against you.

I found it best to sever ties, rather than subject my loved ones to being used to harm me. The price is isolation. I no longer post under my real name. All accounts I use are pseudonymous. This doesn't protect me from state actors, or those intimately connected to them, but the cheap suits aren't intimately connected on the daily, and I'm low profile enough to not be worth going after hard. I've never had thousands of folks follow me. Hundreds is far less motivation to prompt expensive harrassment.

You can't be paranoid enough, as I'm sure you either have, or are realizing. Medical information is at risk. I have been made aware that my enemies have access to my medical records. Consider not only how that can be used against you, but how unscrupulous doctors can alter them to mess with you, say by erasing allergy information, or prescribing things that trigger health issue causing reactions.

Every social aspect of your life can be targeted to cause you harm by folks with the right connections and adequate motivation. Harden your edges, where harrassment can impact you, or change strategies. Don't let yourself become a victim.



Its an incredible machine that we are up against, the masses are so unaware, if there is a weakness, its that they can't target everyone all the time.

In China they say, "kill the chicken to scare the monkey".

This is a very effective method of silencing anyone that steps out of line.

Also, the traditional methods of going after family members and other support mechanisms are often exploited.