I recently closed my Facebook account forever. It was a huge unburdening. While in the early days it was a fantastic tool for reconnecting with people, connecting with new people, and helping to spread truthful information in a world bombarded by lies and propaganda, I started to eventually feel guilty, exposed, and exploited every time I logged on.
You know they're watching, logging, and yes, it will go on your permanent record. The corporate vultures are circling. The government weasels are taking notes. The AI robots are collecting everything they can on you, even your facial scans. And the facial scans of your kids.
In a timely manner for me, the latest Corbett Report episode called The Weaponization of Social Media shines a light on just how extensive this tool is used against us.
I recently cut way way way down on facebook, for most of the same reasons. Im not as worried about govt surveillance as I am with corporations, special interests, and foreign governments. The tipping point for me though came after the school shooting down in Florida and all the anti gun advocates and people who really dont know what they are talking about jumped on the information war. Its sad but Facebook has really become and information machine to spread propaganda and essentially tell people what they should think and that they are wrong for thinking the way they do about things. The best part of all with it, its free for those with an agenda to use and the people who buy into the story will do the labor of getting the word out for free. They will even go as far as to comment and troll people to further push the subject. So about two weeks ago I decided to lay off of telling people they are being brainwashed and coerced and co opted into thinking a certain way. Now all I really care about on facebook is my real friends and posts about animals, vegetarian food, science, technology, and art.