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RE: Jack Dorsey: "We Support Bitcoin; It Is A Path Towards Greater Financial Access For All"

in #square7 years ago (edited)

stability, security, longevity, accessibility, zero cost for use in a payment system for any and all goods and services, future-proof, to name but a have rocks for brains if you think bit coin is anything other than one aspect of the billion uses of blockchain.For most everyone that means a highly risky exchange with high fees. Mining is extremely expensive these days. Normal people are not going to do it.What about transacting directly on the blockchain?A good computer with 24 access to high speed internet. 150GB hard drive storage. 3 days to download the blockchain, then continuous operation after that.Then to get your transaction actually accepted into the chain by a miner you have to pay a fee which various from a little to a lot. I paid 12 cents for a transfer recently, while others have paid as much as $24 (it depends on how fast you want it to be and the complexity of the transaction). And even after your transaction is in the blockchain (a few minutes to hours or days at times) it takes another hour for the transaction to be "confirmed". (which means it is unlikely to be rolled back)Not to be all negative:bitcoin has ...thank you for sharing with us..