Did you know that you can buy Srecipes's tokens and they are available as ICO on bitshares exchange. Only limited amount of tokens (50.000) are 50% off right now on market
As we mentioned in our Whitepaper, the funds from the sale of the ICO will go into the development of the website and operational needs. Operational needs include but are not limited to purchasing Steem Power, taking care of server fees, community building and leadership costs.
This first sale offers early investors like you an opportunity to buy into our token at a 50% discount. But hurry because only the first 50,000 tokens are available for sale at this price.
Remember also, that all big investors will share in the profit of Srecipes. Big investors are investors with 10,000 or more SRECIPES tokens. So you have a pretty small window to buy in as a Big Investor. 10% of the profit of Srecipe website will be shared proportionately among all big investors. So the more shares you have as a Big Investor the more opportunity you have to earn a profit.
Where can we get more info?
- Our website
- Our whitepaper
- Join our Discord server and follow us on Steemit where we will keep the community updated
- Bitshares token