Veteran Bollywood actor Sridevi passed away in Dubai. She was 54. According to sources in the family, the actor reportedly died due to cardiac arrest late on the night of February 24 in Dubai, where she had gone, along with her family, to attend her nephew Mohit Marwah's wedding. While some of the family had already returned to Mumbai after the wedding, Sridevi, her husband Boney Kapoor and younger daughter Khushi had stayed back.
Reports said that the family members in Mumbai had rushed to be with Sridevi and Boney Kapoor's elder daughter Janhvi Kapoor, who was in Mumbai because of her shooting commitments for her debut film Dhadak.
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I am removing the tag immediately @tubcat , Thanks !
And yet the tag remains. Poor form, unwashed human.
I have removed the tag, You can see now @tubcat
RIP Legend :(
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