Our "Sound Money" will be just as "Stable" as Gold and Silver are about to become...

Gold and Silver are about to become, just as "Stable" as our "Sound Money"...

To make it all work, I had to Blend the Face Value of U.S. Clad Coinage, in with the Face Value of our U.S. Bullion Coinage...

Thinking back, it makes me Wonder if this was all Part of a well thought out Plan...

Surely, we had a Back Up Plan... Right...???

I think it all started in 1986, when the first Gold and Silver U.S. Bullion Coins started to be Minted...

Except for the One Dollar Silver Eagles, and the Ten Dollar Gold Eagles, they fit in perfectly with the Face Value of our Clad Coinage, in Terms of "Sound Money"...

There are a couple changes needed in our Bullion Coinage...

The One Dollar Silver Eagle, needs to be Discontinued and Replaced by a Five Dollar Silver Eagle, with the same Silver Weight...

This was needed to keep the Face Value of our Bullion Coinage, higher than its Melt Value ...

We all know what happens when the "Melt Value" exceeds the "Face Value"...

Therefore, we will need a "Stable" Melt Value and a "Stable" Face Value, for Gold and Silver...

My Theory calls for a "Stable" Melt Value Price of $35.00 for Gold and a "Stable" Melt Value Price of $3.50 for Silver...

This will give us a "Stable" Silver/Gold Ratio of Ten to One, in both Melt Value and Face Value...

A Five Dollar Silver Eagle Coin will have a "Melt Value" of $3.50 in "Sound Money"...

A Five Dollar Gold Eagle Coin will have a "Melt Value" of $3.50 In "Sound Money"...

The Ten Dollar "1/4" Ounce Gold Eagle Coin will need its Weight changed to 1/5 of an Ounce...

The Paper Dollars we're using now, will be "Changed" to Paper Cents...

What can I say...??? Some People like carrying Paper Money...

The important part is that, it "will be" Sound Money...

And Yes, it will also be backed, Face Value for Face Value, with U.S. Bullion Coinage...

Those will be the Three Physical Forms of "Sound Money"...

We will also have Digital, Crypto and Smart Money Options...

I'm confident the United States Treasury will be in Charge of those too...

After all, they will also be "Sound Money" owned by "We the People"...

And don't think there won't be a Built in Profit for "We the People"...

We will Buy Gold and Silver at "Melt Value" Prices, then Mint and Sell them at Face Value Prices...

A Person can always use their "Sound Money" Buy Gold and Silver at Melt Value Prices...

Gold and Silver will be Very Stable, in both Melt Value and Face Value...

I have one Question for anyone reading this...

If a Battle was going on right now, between "Sound Money" owned by "We the People" and "Fiat Debt Notes" owned by the Central Bank Owners, which side would you be on, and why...???

December 3, 2019... 2.3 Hollywood Time...


Good morning! "We the People" side; and why? Because I believe in the Austrian economic model, not the Keynesian trash model that makes all if us enslaved to debt.

“Sound Money” will be a “Game Changer” for “We the People”...
December 3, 2019... 8.8 Hollywood Time...

And so we keep stacking @pocketechange!!!👍🤗

Gold and Silver will buy you "Sound Money"... That's why so many people are buying Gold and Silver... Just keep in mind, that we won't be bringing our Gold and Silver to the Store to Purchase Items... We'll turn in our Gold, Silver and Debt Notes for "Sound Money" and use that for our Purchases... Gold will have a "Stable" melt value of $35.00 per ounce and Silver will have a "Stable" melt value of $3.50 in "Sound Money"... Common U.S. Coinage is about to become "Sound Money" in my opinion...
December 3, 2019... 11.7 Hollywood Time...

Stack on my friend😀

So, what would be your Choice... "Sound Money" or "Fiat Debt Notes"...???
December 5, 2019... 6.2 Hollywood Time...

Lol.... I have been the Silver pied piper for years....Some will listen...Some will think we are all nuts!🤔
So we stack my friend!!!👍😊

Stacking Precious Metals is One Way to Go... I figured out an Additional Option, that takes into Account, the Coming U.S. Monetary System Reset...

Think of why we’ve been Stacking Precious Metals... It’s so that when the Fiat Debt Notes Collapse, or are Recalled, we’ll be able to survive what lies ahead...

I actually figured out another way to Prepare for the "Activation" of "Sound Money" that actually turns out to be less expensive, and gives us a Bigger Bang for our Buck... It's Common U.S. Clad Coinage...

December 5, 2019.. 15.2 Hollywood Time...

They do contain Silver, definitely worth stacking!!😀