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RE: First Silver Unboxing!

in #ssg5 years ago

MMmmmMMmmmmm shiny! : D
Great time to stack silver atoms. The more the merrier, because silver (and gold) are created in supernovae (and certain expensive lab reactions), but otherwise the supply is fixed, making it excellent money (store of intrinsic value). No wonder people who like crypto and PM stackers are often overlapping groups!
Also, the same principle applies to both: if you don't hold it, you don't own it. Keeping PMs in your own safe (or hiding place etc) is far better than in an unsafety deposit box at the bank, or at some sort of metals holding company. And don't keep cryptos at an exchange. Hold your own private keys.
There may be a limited time left for stacking, so good call on the timing!


Totally agree. Do you follow Andreas Antonopoulos? I've been getting this video of his call Infrastructure Inversion popping up on my youtube lately. Just a matter of time until it plays out with crypto it seems.

Seen him speak a few time, clearly brilliant and at the forefront. But I haven't seen much from him lately. Let me know if you have a fantastic link!
Yeah, crypto is happening. Ups and downs in the meantime are just noise... soon will be the next proper leg up. We're just starting the main event : D