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RE: Sunset over the Sound

in #ssglife6 years ago (edited)

I love the ocean and being near it but I don't like the humidity and it gives me difficulty breathing because I get so congested and I also don't like sticking to the couch or having to sleep on the porch on the hot days. I prefer dry desert conditions, hot during the day and single digits at night and the forest. Yeah I'm those pple :p


We are lucky. The water is too cold to get too much humidity here, but of course we aren’t as dry as in the desert! The south and east get so humid by the water it can be uncomfortable. But then in California you get this weird combo of a desert on the water! So it is desert dry with ocean breezes. 😍

I Always assumed the Pacific would be warmer than the Atlantic!! I'm originally from eastern Canada and yes the humidity from the water is uncomfortable on so many levels. Plus we get all the Hurricanes. Dorian right now is really messing things up over there now, glad I moved. I would probably like California then, I know they do get similar temperatures as summers in Alberta as far as it hardly ever get rain.