Same here. I keep getting uncaught syntax errors, unexpected identifiers, throw errors... This is why I crawled out of visual basic with a D in college. I did ok until the final exam and dropped from a B average.
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School for code? wtf.
I didn't even finish high school ffs.. it's not a system that creates what I consider to be the fundamentals of learning in any sense. Smashing your head against the keyboard and googling like a boss allowed me to skip the whole classical education thing and just hop right into the engineering of stuff, albeit with a metric fuck to of trial and error.. Sure it makes my code look way different than the classically trained cookie cutter grads.. but sometimes that is an asset honestly, other times a fucking nightmare for those working with me. lol
Even +15 years down the road of code I'm still learning new shit and technology, keeps it exciting honestly rather than spending a bunch of money to be indoctrinated to code like the majority. Not saying going to a school to learn something is intrinsically evil or anything, it's just that you get more interesting results with self taught individuals.
I’m learning that via cub finance. Honestly, I’m struggling with everything I’m touching lately. I have no formal education in finance, at all. I learned about BTC in 2013 and was instantly hooked on it but fairly quickly learned blockchain was the true pony, so what little I do know is all self taught.
Coding, on the other hand, is something I’ve been unsuccessful at many times over. I tried it in college and I’ve tried it on khan academy at least twice, in addition to breaking out old school books once or twice through the years. At one time I could sorta crack pirated games, as in I did it with one of the Warcraft games and didn’t resurface for years.
Now I’m so far behind even the stuff I could do with little to no effort is a monumental task.
Everything I’m doing now looks so familiar and altogether foreign all at the same time. I can almost put my finger on where I went wrong (this time), but I end up going in circles. I’m gonna take a hot shower and come back to it in a while with refreshed eyes and vigor. I’ll be goddamned if I’m wearing these Superman underoos just to look cool.
You're only ever a fail coder if you give up on solving the bug or problem that made you rage quit. Most folks write a TON of shitty code while they are learning things and if you're not running into bugs or issues that stump you atleast once in a project that you later come back to with a fresh head to fix then you're not building anything that challenges your abilities, ultimately making it "just work" and not the godmode that engineers can get into.
This is why we have testing cycles internally and then publicly so we can find where our code or logic is fucked and fix it to make a better system,
There are lots of resources where you can learn.. Honestly hands on for me, looking at others GitHub or scrolling through stack overflow has helped me far more than any codeacedemy or lessons site has.
Cracking DRM / reverse engineering binaries is still something I need to fuck around with more. Never found a compelling enough reason to dive into it.
Fresh eyes help a lot of the time too, Getting stuck then coming back an hour or day or whatever amount of time later often does the trick.
Enjoy the shower and such capotain.
Lol... I'm getting licked by an installation. I think I'm misinterpreting the npm install part. Does it refer to the directory the script is in or the directory Node.js is installed in? I get this
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> npm install C:\Users\14233\Downloads\hbd.funder-sniper-main\hbd.funder-sniper-main
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\package.json'
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\package.json'
npm WARN system32 No description
npm WARN system32 No repository field.
npm WARN system32 No README data
npm WARN system32 No license field.
added 58 packages from 39 contributors and audited 58 packages in 15.61s
4 packages are looking for funding
npm fund
for detailsfound 1 low severity vulnerability
npm audit fix
to fix them, ornpm audit
for detailsAlso, I know you're busy and I don't mean to eat up your time. I just kinda got into a project. I can totally fuck off if I'm distracting you, but I'm super grateful you're taking the time to hang out.
Oooh. Yeah... no...
cd C:\Users\14233\Downloads\hbd.funder-sniper-main\hbd.funder-sniper-main
You have to have the console in the apps directory to invoke the npm install.
Sorry for the shit instructions, they were kind of an afterthought.
Lmao! Dude I'm positive it's not your instructions and this is getting infuriating, and would be humiliating if I had to look anyone in the eyes and explain it to them.
I uninstalled nodejs and reinstalled it to the directory above and I got a brand new error. Feels like I'm struggling with play dough while surrounded by master sculptors.
NodeJS itself can be installed anywhere, as it's only the system variable paths it installs that point your console "node" commands in console that truly matter.
Wipe all of your folders, go grab github desktop, use that to download the folder, then right click on it in github desktop on the left hand side where it'll be listed after you add it, hit "open in powershell" then do the "npm install" command.
After that just whack your user and post privkey into the .env file after removing the .example off the end of it and start the beast with "node sniper.js"