Our Love was the envy of others,
We were the definition of a perfect couple
He was my die hard fan
And I was his number one supporter.
They say "time wanes love"
But time only made our love stronger.
I gave him children and he gave me peace in return
Well, until Jezebel made an appearance.
His love suddenly grew cold,
I thought I wronged him so I begged every night.
Sometimes he came home, other times I find myself waking up on the couch without his arms around me.
Then I found out.
I found out about all the affairs he's been having and asked him again what I did wrong but all I got were bruises and pain.
I decided to be his slow poison.
"you should have known better than to mess with me sweetheart"
I whispered to myself as I poured the last dose of poison in his drink.
He would die tonight, I knew that already so I stayed awake just to watch him breath his last.
As he struggled with death, I whispered so softly like he was a child
"Sleep darling, sleep" I chanted on until he breathed his last.
Image credit : google
lol....you never stop surprising me
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You never can predict what an angry woman can do but I don't support killing him.