With Warm regards to every steeming family, I humbly want to leave this word of wisdom, to gear us through the entire week and beyond.
So far, we all live in an environment were we are surrounded by people, humans everywhere around us either our relatives, family friends co-workers or our peer group. It is very important to understand that the people we tend to spend more time with, either working, relaxing or otherwise are the same people that are 80-90% responsible for what happens to our minds. And what happens to us is only a direct product of what happens in our minds.
Thus. It is very important we know who rolls with us, this is so because the individuals or relationships we keep with people which happen to dominate our personal lives influences how we relate or take actions about our day to day schedule or generally what we do in the society.
Ofcourse we have the rights to execute whatever action we want to, just as we are practically responsible for our actions. But then it also 100% possible for humans to do something very ugly and not within the auspices of societal constitution as a result of the wrong inspiration from the wrong person who is around you thus, we get more connected with what or who we relate more with.
Generally there is one set of people you shouldn't mingle with in order to keep your happiness and vissions alive, and they simply are all those who cannot see what you see. I.e does people who don't value your dreams.
But basically if you want your energy towards your dream or vission or schedule to be productive, there are four kinds of people you must RUN!!! from.
*People who lie to you
*Disrespect you
*Use you
*Put you down
Now you must run away from people who show this very traits, when I mean RUN!!! I mean it. We all need to understand that everything we do to someone or someone does to us, has a psychological impact. This impact, either negative or positive can either pull us down or up respectively in the physical affairs.
Someone once said anyone who lies to you does not deserve to here the truth and this is something because he or she is not passing to you a worthy information. Somehow it is quite funny how some people take lies to be.
Some will tell you that those who lie to you, could have done that because they don't want to hurt your feelings at that time. Though this could depend on the situation. For instance a woman who puts to bed, and then loses a loved one the following day, someone very close her maybe her mother, ofcourse you don't expect the husband or her people to pass such information to her, especially so raw, atleast not at that particular time since this could be risk to her health.
A case like this is quite understandable. But then someone who is so good and used to lieing is not a good individual to be around. Your informative faculty will be astake because that person can feed you with the wrong information at any time which could put your dealings astake.
Same thing applies for the individual around you who doesn't care but disrespect you. You must come to understand that he is not just disrespecting you but also disrespecting your entire goals and vissions.
This is very dangerous to your mentality through successive psychological effects. Although everyone has a right to his or her opinions and these opinions shouldn't be questioned. That's right! Since these opinions shouldn't be questioned, there's also no need to mingle with the disrespecter of your dreams at the first place, rather such set of people should be avoided and this is because they will not also be questioned when you lose your dreams.
The other component threat to your ambition will be those who tend to use you. "use and dump"the common expression which explains an unfair balance of relationships.
But such relationships can actually be avoided and the best way to do such is to, first recognize it. If you recognize it, you will never be taken advantage of. The point is why allow yourself to be dumped, when you can actually avoid to be used. We need to pray to God for wisdom to meet the right people and be in the right surrounding.
We all are 🌟 stars, but we must meet a helper who will coach us on how to shine very brightly. We can never meet that helper if we are in the wrong surrounding. That's where the whole concept comes into play. Steemon!
I hope this will serve as a food for thought and help us add caution to the relationship we make in our society.
............regards*I am @kennyc
image source :www.gettyimages.com
Rightly said my dear, you did a great job here.
Thanks @cherylsonty I strongly appreciate your presence here. Steemon!
This is more than a word for the week
Thanks @egetex for the kind words.
This is deep.
Indeed @gidionline Steemon!
Word for the month
Hi @atikajayboy you can say that again 👍