I have heard a lot of steemians say "drop at least one post per day",
but what is the most efficient way to steem and when is the best time
of the day tom make a post in order to increase it's visibility?
This is one among other questions that I asked myself when I joined
newly but with the study i have carried out in a quest to solve my puzzles
I found out that there may be more than one way to look at a cube,in this
case steemit posts.Alot of newbies on getting to the platform just come with
the intention of living their dreams on steemit which is a positive thing
but they have it wrong when it comes to when,how and where to make
their posts.
As for me i make sure i make posts when i have the time or maybe when
bored in the house and also when i stumble upon sweet ideas when having
a thought. I have found some ways of which most I will be implementing
on my post-making techniques and strategy sooner than later but let
me talk about the factors that matters when it comes to making
of posts on steemit and here are some :
(https://www.google.com/search?q=steemit+icon+or+images&client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=eJleEbuKJoK6gM%253A%252C4HGWld5gsRUYkM%252C_&usg=__Kic_BG2mUdkbk4lFgrXygS_p7yc%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNyPbU3o3ZAhWsD8AKHaraA40Q9QEILzAD&biw=1366&bih=654#imgrc=eJleEbuKJoK6gM:)[image source]
Before you would want to sit down with your phone or PC to make a post,
the first thing you will have whispered within your mind would be the kind
of post you are wanting to create and how you want the viewers to see this
title.Firstly to me,a title must be captivating at first glance.why?this is the
method which most writers have used to catch the attention of big whales
and in the process get rewarded handsomely.A title should not be so long
to depict all that is embodied within the content and should create a feelimg
of suspence in the viewers mind.I have once come across a title on a sent
link that despite being busy at work i did my best to hastily screenshot
the page on my phone so i could read about it later and as i had in mind
there was nothing to regret as i got the satisfaction of reading a very
nice post late at night when i was home and of course i gave an upvote
and comment despite not knowing that user.This same feeling apply
to the whales so it is as important as it is to make our titles brief while
they are eye-catching.
Tagging is simply a publicity method where we tell steemians of different
categories where to find their type of content or post.Just as I love eating
fried plantain with egg-sauce but dislike yam,so is the taste of people on
the platform with most steemians loving to read about fictions and love
stories rather than a bulky health post on dysentry or leprosy.
Your tagging must respectively tell people the truth about the content of
your write up rather than set them into silent confusion.Also apart from
general tags like writing,health,religion,travels,poem,etc...a dedicated
which increase their visibility to people on that community and in the process
helps to get them rewarded when they have very nice articles on their blogs.
The whales on the platform actually do not have all the time in the world
to sit and scroll through your little baby blogs.They don't come to check
your work.You have to take your work on a stroll and show it the globe for
them to see and as they would always say it ''seeing is believing''
steemian has to search-out and use popular tags like @stach,@adsactly,etc
I think this is the section that has presented most people with their
biggest challenge on steemit. Disorganization,confusion, and misuse
of the English language are the order of the day when it comes to this
section.People get hasty about making posts that will earn them some
token but would calm down to cook a pot of porridge to impress their
visitors but it does not make any sense.A post deserves your precious
time and attention if it really fetches you income and most steemians
should try to read up and learn from the way the whales write their
posts with grace and confidence.Reading other peoples work is the
best way to get better with writing techniques.
i just hope this would help us to get better and better.
Best wishes!
Thats a well thought out post. I enjoyed it and agree with you on all accounts. I am curious, as you only skimmed over this topic, what time of day did you determine was the best time for posting. I would imagine either morning or evening hours but I never really experimented with it. I tend to post when I have the time in the day. I work until 6 pm and my wife works nightshift, leaves house at 10 pm. We have 4 kids, 14, 12, 2, 5 months. I need to make sure wife gets sleep, dinner happens, homework and chores are done, diapers are changed, wife gets up on time and out the door on time, kids all get to bed. Then and only then do i have time for anything for myself and by now its at least 11 pm. So then i sit down and start writing and may not be done til 1 am or whatever. Now if i post it its no where near visable come morning when i feel like there woyld be an uptick in activity. I need to get in the habit of always being 1 post ahead. Haveing a post completwd and ready to go so that when i get home i can post the one i wrote lastnight. Then, later, when i have the time to write a post, complete it but don't post it. That will be tomorrows post. Something like that. Once my posts are done i just want to put them out in the world. This will take some dilagence and willpower but would help capitalize on the prime viewing times. So, in your experience, what do you cansider to be the best times to post?
@doc-gonzo that is quite a busy schedule you got there,but this is steemit and it deserves your time because i have seen a whale who quit his nice job for steemit @ejemai and he now earns more than at office.the good thing also is that you could make posts with the story of your busyday.give it more time and if your job isnt paying enough and you are a serious person then you can quit it.steemit is a dreamland for hardworkers.keep steeming!
Great post. This is very helpful.