in #stach4 years ago

I know we hear a lot of things about being nice to other people through our actions and words but have we ever thought about being nice to ourselves? I mean you should ask yourself this question; How do I treat my self?
Don’t lose yourself trying to help other people out of the drain; don’t be that dude who thinks about other people and forgets about his own wellbeing!
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Your wellbeing is very important!
There are a lot of ways that you can use to be nice to yourself. Have self-confidence but learn not to push your self too much, don’t use other people’s standards to judge yourself. When you are feeling low, lift up yourself with words and kind actions because you are your first priority! Respect your self and don’t ever lose your self esteem because of any one.
Moreover, amidst the buzz about depression and suicide on the internet today, I think you should carefully check within you if you are happy; ensure you make this a routine and see how you start doing things that will actually bring you happiness.
Suicide isn’t an option! Stay Happy and Stay Alive!

Previously posted on my whaleshare's blog