The Tale of Two wolves
This is an old Cherokee story.
A Young boy asks his Grandpa to tell him a story, and Grandpa tells him of two wolves which are in constant struggle. One wolf is kind and peaceful, and the other wolf is evil and filled with hatred. But the two wolves have equal strength.
Unable to figure it out, the young boy asks, “since they are of equal strength, which wolf will win?”
Grandpa replies, “It is the wolf you feed”
There is a constant struggle for everyone. A struggle between the first wolf, which represents love, joy, kindness, empathy, benevolence, truth; and the second wolf, which represents evil, anger, greed, arrogance, resentment, pride, ego.
This applies to every aspect of our life.
You Are What You Eat
Everyday, consciously or unconsciously, we fill our minds with different thoughts. Dwelling on positive and inspiring thoughts can have a big impact on our actions.
The same way it can be difficult to avoid junk food and a lot of sugar, negativity is hard to avoid.
It is found everywhere, on the news, social media, and people around us.
We can keep track of what we feed our mind with. We can control what we take into our minds!
The books we read, the movies we watch, the thoughts we dwell on, the things we discuss with other people, all these influences our actions and subsequently, our habits.
We may not be able to change the world’s political or economic situation, or the environment we live in, or the bad weather. But we can change our thoughts.
Having positive thoughts and counting our blessings keep us more in control and we get to have happiness, tranquility and sanity.
Healthy food for the mind
Some of the ways we can have positive thoughts are:
- Avoid talking about a negative experience over and over
- Read self-development books, inspiring books
- See good things in people, places, nature. Walk out of negative conversations about someone
- Make the most out of any unpleasant situation
- Give out good energy, commend people, find something nice to say
- Avoid websites, news, music that is sad
- Help others feed their minds with positive food too.
Watching your thought.
Watch your thoughts, they become words;
Watch your words, they become actions;
Watch your actions, they become habits;
Watch your habits, they become character;
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
– Frank Outlaw
STACH is a physical Accelerator Hub dedicated to decentralizing the offline by breaking the barriers to accessing the internet like light, internet and conducive working space. Image source: betterbodychemistry.com
STACH is supported by @Sndbox as a Sndcastle project.
very good information I liked!
Very cool story
We are what we think daily, once your thought becomes internalized into your subconcious mind, you act without thinking which is who you are. As man thinketh in his heart so he is- Holy Bible
Thanks for sharing.
I have learnt to look at the positive part in every conversation and situation I find myself in. The truth is, it is very difficult to stay away from negativity and immorality because temptations are always everywhere.
The best thing to do is to constantly make conscious efforts to detoxify our minds of negativity, and even when we try and fail unconsciously, we pick ourselves up and keep on trying.
Once again, thank you.
That effort goes a long way to help
Yea, it does.
If I tell you I am not motivated by this, I am lying. I have been able to educate myself and feed myself with good knowledge to this level I presently am.
My little everyday bad wolf is argument. Just because I had to use logic to explain some things, many people say I do like I know too much.The obvious truth is that they do not feed their mind with the good wolf.
Well, all is part of life and I had to live by it but with the good wolf keeping me company. :)
The starved one gets weak ☺
Yeah, always
Beautiful words to end ma evening with..thank you @stach
Nice one suxxie. :)
I should join stach too. Send me your referral link. Hehehe
Definitely. You should
we all need to understand that we are what we think we are
the more we perceive of a situation, the more we get to relate to it
Having perception is priceless
Thats a credible, informative post. You are doing a great work @stach.i'm just your silent learner**smiles. Thanks boss
“It is the wolf you feed”
This is just the bitter truth as to 'you are the product of yourself.' What you save is what you earn because you save A and expect B never. This message is just so inspirational to me, thank you for sharing.
Thanks for acknowkedging that.
Positivity! There are always others out there with a bad situation.
If everyone were to tie their problems and pile them up in one place, and then everyone comes together to describe the problem in the bag. After hearing some people's problem,
When it's time to distribute the bags, you will see people struggling to get their own problem bag back.
There are worse problems out there
Agree that we should watch our thoughts. We can also become good role model for our kids this way!
That's probably every parent's dream
You are the reflection of what you want to be. Every change or transformation begins within, if you aspire to a better world, you try to be a better person every day, you want a better government you try to be a better citizen.
Still have issues with this, but then trying to beat that
They're intriguing
Thanks for upvoting my post. Upvoting and following you from now on. Happy new year
I totally agree with 'You Are What You Eat' thing. I saw one TV commercial advertising a healthy food and said You Are What You Eat
What you take in is what you get
This is great. Our mind is like a baby, feed it with the right nourishment, it will grow and be productive but starve it, it will dwindle. Worst still, feed it with the wrong stuffs and it will have kwashiorkor...
Thanks for sharing. I wrote a related article you may love to check out