A collection of 3,838 mecha-roosters joining forces to take over the Solana blockchain.
Start minting from Feb 2022 – with a total of 3,838 pieces of nft
Stake-to Earn Project
Road map
01 - Breeding - April 2022 - Actual happening: May-June 2022
02 - Pet Cock fighting - May 2022 - Actual happening - Yet to take place but very soon.
03 - Marketplace - TBA - Actual happening - Yet to take place
- 2 factions ( 1 Invidia + 1 Virtus) with 1000 $rice get an egg.
- Auto hatch 30 days.
- First hatch, additional sol $rice.
Staking for gen1 (Robocock)
- staking earns 5 $rice / day.
Staking for gen2 (Fortis-cock)
- staking starts at 3 $rice / day.
stake for 7 days to get 5 $rice / day.
stake for 14 days to get 7 $rice / day.
Pet Cock fighting(Yet to take place - coming real soon!)
- 2 fights per day (1 every 12 hours).
- To enter the fight, mint a pet with $rice and register with x amount of $rice and x amount of sol.
- 1 winner takes all.
Marketplace - Cock holders incentives(Yet to take place - in the pipeline)
01 - Rebates
- Cock holders who launch projects from their mp's launchpad platform gets 10% rebates on their launch. (10% of the fees charged from using their launchpad platform, paid back to the project owner in sol upon mint completion)
02 - Sales commission
- Cock Holders who refer non-cock holders to launch their projects from
their MP’s launchpad platform get 10% of the fee charged from using their launchpad platform, paid to referrer as a form of sales commission.
03 - Revenue sharing
- Every month, 10% of the 2% of platform fees they charge across all secondary market trades across our marketplace platform will be evenly distributed amongst every single cock, inclusive of both Gen1 and Gen2 cocks, airdropped in sol, as a form of revenue sharing.
The reason I am sharing here is to voluntarily assisting the team to spread the word in my own means.
Where can I buy Robo Cocks?
- They have sold out during our mint day on 22/02/2022. now you can purchase RoboCock on MagicEden.
- Officially, they are only listed on MagicEden.
Since it is a Stake to Earn project, then where is the place to stake to earn? What do you earn?
You can stake your cocks at: https://stake.robocock.io/
- Robo Cocks GEN 1 – Stake and get 5 $RICE per day.
- Robo Cocks GEN 2 – Staking starts at 3 $RICE per day, Stake for 7 days and above to get 5 $RICE per day, Stake for 14 days and above to get 7 $RICE per day.
How to get an 3GG for Robococks GEN 2?
- 2 factions, 1 Invidia + 1 Virtus with 1000 $RICE get an EGG.
How long does it take for the 3GG to hatch?
- Auto hatch in 30 days.
What is the future use for $RICE?
- They have games and a marketplace platform in the pipelines, which would both have aspects for $RICE’s use-case.
Please visit robocock.io for more details.
To buy Robo Cock NFT - https://magiceden.io/marketplace/robo_cocks
To buy Fortis Cock NFT - https://magiceden.io/marketplace/fortis_cocks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RoboCockNFT
Discord: https://www.discord.gg/robococknft
Hope I give u the necessary details to start exploring Robocock
Nice information!
Is it a good time to buy some RC to breed?
Get 1 Invidia (Dark cock) + 1 Virtus(white Cock) then 1000 $Rice to breed here.
Check $rice price here
Breeding, you need 2 RC - ( 1 Invidia (Dark cock) + 1 Virtus(white Cock)) with 1000 $rice get an egg - breed here https://breed.robocock.io/
After breeding, you can stake your RC here
By the way, you can get $rice from here. https://raydium.io/swap/?inputCurrency=sol&outputCurrency=5yw793FZPCaPcuUN4F61VJh2ehsFX87zvHbCA4oRebfn&outputAmount=0&fixed=in
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