I first learned about the existence of Master Yoda when i saw that scene where a kid wore a Yoda costume on the film ET. It was a surreal moment when ET recognized someone from his part of the galaxy going about trick or treating on earth. Surely Elliott was surprised, right then and there, ET showed that what Elliott recognized.as a made up 'Star Wars universe' is actually as real as fried chicken!
How cool would that be! An actual universe where jedi & sith do battle constantly for the future of the galaxy! Endless conflict between good & evil, the righteous & the corrupt! As soon as the film ended, I straightaway asked my mom, who was that creature ET was pointing at during the trick or treat scene? Well for your information my young padawan, she said soothly, that was Master Yoda! And that my friends was the reason that led to me super intrigued about the ways of the force!
My admiration for Master Yoda grew more as i grow older. He might be small, scruffy and weak looking on the outside but he taught virtually everyone to never judge a book by it's cover. Too bad he wasn't able to defeat the emperor Palapatine in the prequels, if he did, @lordvader surely would've become the new emperor and alongside Padme, ruled the galaxy with Luke & Leia. It wasn't the case so into exile he went, waiting patiently in a swamp for the new hope to come. Good thing Yoda didn't turn down old Ben's request to help train Luke, too old he said and full of doubt. I felt his disappointment at Luke when he gave up so easily while training on Dagobah, especially during the scene where he asked Luke to use the force and levitate his sunken X-Wing. And when he said "that is why you fail.." was for me one of the most important scene in the movie. Imagine what Luke might have done if he didn't carry on with his training, might as well turn to the dark side and leave the the galaxy in limbo!
I also carry Master Yoda's portrait with me at all times, but in the form of a tattoo. It took 8 hours of excruciating pain just to finish this piece, but it was all worth it. Will surely add @lordvader into the mix in the future! Inking characters from the dark side on the left hand since my right hand is already dedicated to the 'good guys'!😂
As a fan, the excitement will always be there. Whether if it's waiting for the new trilogy, the upcoming Han Solo film, new toys, books, comics, heck, EVERYTHING when it comes to Star Wars!😂 And I would be lying if i said i've never used the force to open glass doors & elevators!
To me, that's the true beauty of Star Wars. It broadens your mind and imagination. Seeing normal things through a cool new perspective, keeps us young & in touch with our childhood. Some may call it lame, or boring, but hey, whatever tickles their fancy right? It surely is better than watching vampires who shine like diamonds under the sun!😂
Agree with you about Master Yoda, never judge a book by it's cover. =)Good morning @annekins. You are truly a fan of Star Wars. You broaden the mindset of Star Wars to look on different many ways.
Thank you, Star Wars is life!😃
How can you compare vampires to star wars? hahaha.. Great post man, I would pick Star wars over shiny vampires any day.. Would be cool if they came up with a japanese anime of star wars though
Hahaha, that's the only other franchise that i could think of at that hour. Yeah that would be pretty awesome, a dragonball-esque anime focusing on Star Wars, minus the ocational 'zoom in zoom out power up scenes'.😂 Could someone please hear our plea!
Cantik tu tatoo
i love the way you write bro.. adding humor into the story.. hehe and i admire your fanaticism with anything star wars! and if i may add, that tattoo looks amazingggg! thanks for sharing! :)
Thank you my good man! Star Wars has been a part of my life ever since the day i was exposed to it, i probably was a jedi or a sith in my past life!😂
hahaha yeah you probably were my friend! hehe see you around! :)