Star Wars : The Last Jedi (2017) Behind The Scenes Trailer & VFX comparison

in #star8 years ago

I know there is a lot of Star Wars fans out there, and I wanted to make a post not for the trailer but something to draw attention to the robotics, puppetry and the benefits of using less VFX/CGI. We have all seen a terrible B-grade sic-fi and are all well aware of the atrocities that the Star Wars Episodes 1,2 & 3 are. Not just for the VFX/CGI reasons! 

If we come forward a little since the new trilogy has started in Star Wars, I believe hollywood are finally getting this balance right. For many years film makers have gone though the terrible decade of 'computer is better' or 'fix it in post' mentality, ultimately I think potentially making the end result of the film suffer.

When film makers get their hands on new toys we can see an overload use of them. Im sure we have all seen the good ol' star wipe in and out of a serious moment! But what does this mean for the average film maker? Nothing much really, except that I hope this gradual move back to 'in camera' effects from hollywood changes how film makers prepare going into a film. Especially as we all know that we won't have a huge budget to blow on post-FX. Its just nice knowing the indie film makers are slowly coming back on to the same playing field as the big boys, but still able to get dirty with our hands, even on the big budget stuff.

I will leave you with these two 'making of' videos below, although I know its not as simple as this but its nice to see Hollywood making a transition for the better in my eyes.

Star Wars 

Synopsis: Having taken her first steps into a larger world in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), Rey continues her epic journey with Finn, Poe and Luke Skywalker in the next chapter of the saga.

Below is another example of what I think good CGI is by creating an effective balance with the French film AUTOMATA. The use of Puppetry is fantastic and CGI is more used to background removal and puppeteers, which I think creates an awesome feel to it. Let me knowAutomata what you think on the AUTOMATA VFX.


Synopsis: Jacq Vaucan is an insurance agent of ROC robotics corporation who investigates cases of robots violating their primary protocols against altering themselves. What he discovers will have profound consequences for the future of humanity.

Source(s): IMDB & Youtube