Pam Pam Pam.....
Another year, another star wars movie, another review....yea yea, let's get going. Ever since Disney bought LucasArts fans have been complaining that the new movies are disappointing, that they are a treason to the old ones. From my point of view, the whole SW universe expanded and opened the door to a whole lot of new possibilities. Is Disney really ruining the series? I don't think so. The new cast is great, the plot is not brilliant but it keeps the saga promising, clearly the special effects upgraded since the new trilogy and they are even making spin-offs (can't wait to see the Solo movie).
Is it better than Episode VII?
In my opinion, it is and it is not. What? (Spoilers ahead)
Well, let's start with the porgs. They are soo cute and fluffy and cute and....they don't have a big role but they are entertaining every time we see them. The scene were Chewie tries to eat one of them is hilarious. This episode brings a lot of suspense, same as the previous one. It is thrilling and intriguing at all times. It has so many Easter Eggs from the old series that fans will love it. Not so much lightsaber battles, but a lot of explosions and x-wing fights and old people being badass. We were introduced to a lot of new creatures: of course the porgs, the caretakers (the island natives who had to clean after Rey), the Space Horses and the Crystal Foxes. They were spectacular, each one in their own way. This new episode is bad at being bad. You can't hate it only because it was under the care of Disney.
The cast does a tremendous job. They are so into their characters and that is what makes the movie a lot better. They made the scenes so intense that I always forgot to chew the popcorn in my mouth. The visuals were astounding and made me realise (again) what CGI is capable of. Rey's relation with Ben is very deep. They know that there is a strong force that attracts them. We can see at the final scene where the last rebels climb the board of Falcon that they are connected again even if Snoke is dead. Maybe Rey can change Ben, but then who will be the villain? Maybe the nun creatures.
Poe, Leia, Finn, C-3PO, BB-8, the new Rose etc. fight for the survival of the Rebellion till the very end. Luke awakes from his pessimistic thoughts and remembers what the Jedi represent (obviously with a little help from the little green master, Yoda). We learn from Rose there is still hope if you protect the ones you love. The saga continues with hope.
The film left us with some unanswered questions such as : Are Rey's parents really nobodies? Who is Snoke really?
and other ones but I think we have to wait for the answers in the next episodes. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a must-see even if you are not a big fan. Not only it reminds us of the old series, but it brings new things that exceed the universe created by George Lucas at that time.
I hope its a nearly decent review. See ya.
I agree that it didn't develop enough of the backstory for me and still left so many questions of what really happened and what is the truth.